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Site Archive (1997-2020) - Depuis 2021 le nouveau site est / Since 2021 the new website is ICI/HERE »»»


    Liens sites en Afrique Autres liens

Visitez le site du peintre sénégalais Iba Ndiaye :
About the Joko Project
The Joko Project is a non-profit initiative to build Internet access centers, a cultural content website, and an online community for Senegalese people.



National Museums of Kenya

Troisième Biennale Dak'Art, Senegal.
Du 24 au 30 avril 1998

Circus in Ethiopia

Pages des étudiants de l'Université Al Akhawayn, Ifrane, Maroc

Ressources sur tous le Maghreb

Revue : African Skies/ Cieux africains
FluidArts, a project organized by Deborah Phelan, presents :
"The Danube: A Study of River Morphing"

On the fertile banks of the WaterRoots project, FluidArts Japanese collaborator Masami Kikuchi follows the Danube through its numerous appellations. An initial foray into the etymology of the word "Water."

Département d'Ethnologie (Université de Provence)
Maison Méditérannéenne des Sciences de l'Homme
5, rue du Château de l'Horloge, B.P.647, F-13094 Aix-en-Provence, cédex 2
tél. secretariat : +33- (0)4 42 52 43 21
tél fax +33-(0)4 42 52 43 81
-page web du département: http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/~wethno
-page web de la revue CLIO : http://newsup.univ-mrs.fr/~wclio-af/
Un nouveau journal on-line sur les actualités politiques sociales et culturelles africaines : AFRIK.COM

A website on contemporary fine arts from Zimbabwe

Since it started out, Madunia has been active in setting up a broad range of projects dealing with African music :

Join Millénaire as educational ambassador
Bonnie Bracey reports from the field in Africa where she was last year :

Coco Fusco

Africultures Le Mensuel des cultures africaines

2nd generation Dunham dancers


African Kultural Arts Network

Andruid Kerne

Donna homepage

ISEA/Inter-Société des arts électroniques lance officiellement le Dakar Web

Metissacana et l'oeuvre de la styliste sénégalaise Oumou Sy
The Africaserver
The Africaserver is a publication of Africaserver Foundation. In November 1997 the Africaserver - an Internet platform for communication with Africa took off in Amsterdam. It aims to bring together information from and about Africa and to gather and present the activities in The Netherlands with regard to Africa. The information is meant for a broad audience, for visitors to Africa, for Africans in Holland and for people from the African continent.
Australian Cultural Network
Jacky Bouju (Anthropologue)
Laboratoire SHADYC - UMR 8562
Centre de la Vieille Charite, 2 rue de la Charite, F-13002 Marseille
tél. +33-(0)4 91 14 07 64 /
fax +33-(0)4 91 91 34 01 /
Ad.éle: bouju@ehess.cnrs-mrs.fr
Page web du Shadyc : http://ehess.cnrs-mrs.fr/shadyc/accueil.html

"The Natural Order of Things"
"Colette Gaiter created a web project and wall panels that subtly compare race relations in the United States with those in South Africa, which she visited last year" :

The Third Millennium Education Project (TMEP) is a consortium of educators who share the vision of ensuring that the benefits and philosophies inherent in the educational revolution are accessible to everyone :



First World Order Project

Musée d'ethnographie de Genève

Musiques Afro-Caribéennes

Nok Museum

Musée Andy Warhol.


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