OLATS.org Leonardo On-Line, the website 

of Leonardo/ISAST  Leonardo, the Journal of the International 

Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology  Leonardo Music 

Journal  Leonardo Electronic 

Almanac: monthly coverage of Internet news and digital media culture  Book Series: 

innovative discourse on art, science and technology topics by 

artists, scientists, researchers and scholars Leonardo Reviews: scholarly reviews of books, exhibitions, CDs, 

journals and conferences  OLATS, 

l'Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Technosciences: key works, 

artists, ideas and studies in the field  Leonardo / Activities and Projects  Leonardo / About Us   

Site Archive (1997-2020) - Depuis 2021 le nouveau site est / Since 2021 the new website is ICI/HERE »»»


Projet StudioLab

Projet StudioLab

Leonardo/Olats est partenaire du projet européen StudioLab (2011 - 2014) pour le développement de collaborations innovantes entre art et science.

Leonardo/Olats is partner of the three year european project StudioLab (2011-2014) for innovative art science collaborations.

Contact principal pour le projet / Project leader contact : Science Gallery, Dublin : info'@'sciencegallery.com

Contact Leonardo/Olats :
Annick Bureaud : info'@'olats.org

Site web du projet / Project website :

  • Le projet StudioLab et les partenaires / The StudioLab Project and its partners

  • META-LIFE: Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, A-Life and the Arts, Annick Bureaud, Roger Malina & Louise Whiteley (Eds.), Leonardo/ISAST, MIT Press, Leonardo ebook series, Kindle Edition, July 2014

    META-LIFE: Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, A-Life and the Arts

  • Water is in the Air: Physics, Politics and Poetics of Water in the Arts, Annick Bureaud (Ed.), Leonardo/ISAST, MIT Press, Leonardo ebook series, Kindle Edition, February 2014

    Water is in the Air: Physics, Politics and Poetics of Water in the Arts

  • BIO ART - BIO DESIGN, enjeux culturels et sociétaux de la biologie de synthèse

    "MRSA Quilt", Anna Dumitriu

    "MRSA Quilt", Anna Dumitriu

  • Atelier "Hacker les bactéries", avec l'artiste Anna Dumitriu

    Bricolage, science, cuisine, art ... pluridisciplinarité !

    Bricolage, science, cuisine, art ... pluridisciplinarité !

  • The Data Body on the Dissection Table. Arts, Humanities, Medicine and Complex Network

    The Data Body on the Dissection Table. Arts, Humanities, Medicine and Complex Network

  • Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks
    4th Leonardo Satellite Symposium at NetSci

    Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks

  • L'Eau est dans l'air / Water is in the Air

    Water is in the Air

  • Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks: A Leonardo Multimedia E-book and Web Companion
    Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks


    This project has received support from Studiolab. Studiolab is funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Program.
    the European Commission 7th Framework Program          European Commission

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    Leonardo/Olats a reçu le soutien de la Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso pour la période 2019-2021
    Copyright Association Leonardo/OLATS © 1997
    pour toute re-publication de cette page, merci de contacter Annick Bureaud <info@olats.org>
    pour les problèmes concernant le site, notre webmaster <webmaster@olats.org>
    Leonardo is a federally registered trademark of Leonardo/ISAST -
    Leonardo est une marque déposée de Leonardo/ISAST, selon la loi fédérale des Etats-Unis d'Amérique.