Projets divers
BIO ART - BIO DESIGN, enjeux culturels et sociétaux de la biologie de synthèse
Journée d'études organisée en partenariat avec Décalab (dans le cadre du projet européen StudioLab)
- The Data Body on the Dissection Table. Arts, Humanities, Medicine and Complex Network
Round table co-organised in collaboration with the Medical Museion in Copenhagen in June 2013, in the framework of the European project StudioLab.
- Water is in the Air / L'Eau est dans l'air
Dans le cadre du projet européen StudioLab, Leonardo/Olats propose, en collaboration avec l'IMéRA, deux jours d'atelier de présentation et de discussion sur des croisements transdisciplinaires sur le thème "L'Eau est dans l'Air", à partir d'approches artistiques et scientifiques singulières, relevant aussi bien des sciences dures que des sciences humaines.
In the framework of the European project StudioLab, Leonardo/Olats, in collaboration with IMéRA, is organizing a two day workshop on the theme "Water is in the Air". Based on singular artistic and scientific projects about water as case studies, in hard sciences as well as humanities, this workshop is presenting and discussing transdisciplinary crossings.
- Meeting around Patrick McCray
The impact of the computer sciences on the arts, sciences and humanities
Séminaire fermé à l'IMéRA et Forum public à ZINC à Marseille, le 20 novembre 2008
- Artmedia X - Paris
Éthique, esthétique, communication technologique ou le destin du sens
Etica, estetica, comunicazione tecnologica : il destino del sens
 | | Vendredi 12 décembre 2008, BNF, auditorium, site Mauriac
Samedi 13 décembre 2008, INHA, auditorium
Concept et co-organisation
Mario Costa, Professeur de l'Université de Salerne
Fred Forest, Professeur émérite de l'Université de Nice
- "La relation art-science-technologie dans la collection de livres Leonardo à MIT Press"
Table-ronde avec Roger Malina, Frank Popper, Eduardo Kac, et Annick Bureaud (modératrice).
Ensba, 26 juin 2007
MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences
International Conference organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. The festival will feature also the first retrospective exhibition of Frank J. Malina.
Co-organisers: Leonardo; Hexagram (; Pépinières européenes pour jeunes artistes (
Partners: Centre for Global Studies at Charles University
(; CYPRES Arts Sciences Technologies Cultures (; Czech Academy of Sciences – Week of Science and Technology (; French Institute in Prague (; MARCEL
(; UQAM (
8th - 10th of November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference website:
The "Leonardo Day" : on November 11th, Leonardo organizes the "Leonardo Day" to celebrate its anniversary in the Euro RSCG premices in Prague (by invitation).
This event is supported by Euro-RSCG/Prague (
- Colloque Melilla, "Art/Science/Spirituality Reconnections within Emerging Planetary Cultures" - juillet 2004
- Séminaire Fondements Culturels de la Mondialisation, "Rencontres de Boulogne" - juin 2003
- Séminaire Afrique Virtuelle, "Le génie et le pouvoir de l'eau : à la confluence des arts et des sciences" - novembre 2001
- Colloque "L'art à l'ère post-biologique" - décembre 2000
- Colloque "Les Treilles, Statut esthétique de l'art technologique" - mars 1997
Space and the arts / Art spatial
- SPACE: Societal, Educational and Cultural aspects
International Astronautical Congress
October 3 - 7, 2011, Cape Town
Joint session (E1.6.-E5.4) between the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee and the IAA Commission VI, and co-sponsored by ITACCUS.
- WATER from SPACE: Societal, Educational and Cultural Aspects
International Astronautical Congress
27th September - 1st October 2010, Prague
Joint session (E1.6.-E5.4) between the IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee and the IAA Commission VI, and co-sponsored by ITACCUS.
- Less Remote. The Futures of Space Exploration - An Arts and Humanities Symposium
Glasgow, 30th September - 1st October 2008
An international symposium to run parallel to the 2008 International Astronautical Congress (IAC).
- Space and the Arts Workshop - since/depuis 1997
- Expanding the Space, Conference & Workshop on Space & Art, Octubre Centre de Cultura Contemporania, 3 - 6 October 2006, Valencia, Spain
- Colloque "Visibilité - Lisibilité de l'art spatial. Art et gravité zéro : l'expérience des vols paraboliques" (Visibility - Legibility of Space Art. Art and Zero Gravity: the Experience of Parabolic Flights) - octobre 2003
- SETI Workshops, "The Art and Science of Interstellar Message Composition" - March 2002 & March 2003