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Dennis Brutus

Poet, distinguished educator, born in Zimbabwe, educated in South Africa and member of the Dax board of directors since 1990, Professor of Literature University of Pittsburgh. Internet connections via Africa Network, Kwanzaa, and The Union of Writers of African Peoples (UWAP). Publications include: "Sirens, Knuckles and Boots" 1962; "Letters to Martha and Other Poems From a South African Prison" (1968); "Poems From Algiers", and "Thoughts Abroad" (1970); "Simple Lust" (1973); "Stubborn Hope" (1979); and "Strains" (1981).

Professor Brutus has lectured on the S.S Universe, Semester at Sea around the World - Bahamas, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, India, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan. USA. In May '97 Professor Brutus will deliver the convocation address, Durban, South Africa. He has been appointed Research Fellow University of Durban September '97, and beginning in August Professor Brutus will Chair the Writers Workshop Zimbabwe International Book Fair.



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