Climate, meteorology and phenomenology
This commented bibliography aims to gather various texts related to our sensitive perception of weather and climate, that is our report of space and time lived through climatic or meteorological phenomena. Ideally, such a bilbiography should be supplemented by another one more focused on anthropological readings of our relationship to climate and weather.
- Bachelard, Gaston, « L'Air et les Songes. Essai sur l'imagination du mouvement », Paris, José Corti, 1985 (1943).
Phenomenology and psychoanalysis of sky and air in literature.
- Barthes, Roland, « Paris n'a pas été inondé », in Mythologies, Paris, Seuil, coll. Points, 2007 (1957), pp. 66-69.
Text related to the flooding of Paris in 1955 and the changes induced by this climatic phenomena in landscape and town perceptions.
- Böhme, Gernot, « Das Wetter und die Gefühle. Für eine Phänomenologie des Wetters“, in Bernd Busch (Hg.), Luft, Köln, Kunst- und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2003, pp. 184-161.
Phenomenology of weather opening a new field of investigations.
Clément, Gilles, « Nuages », Paris, Bayard, 2005, 197 p.
Travel diary of a writer-gardener on board of a cargo boat from Hamburg to Santiago de Chile. Descriptions of air landscapes.
- Ihde, Don, « Whole Earth Measurements » in Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, spring-summer 1997, volume 2, n° 3-4.
Analyses the conditions of a phenomenological reading of green house gazes or whole earth measurements.
Knebusch, Julien, « Art and climate (change) perception », in Volker Kirchberg and Sacha Kagan (ed.), Art and Sustainability, Frankfurt, Verlag für Akademische Schriften, 2008.
Outline of phenomenology of climate.
Lapouge, Gilles, « Contribution à une théorie des climats », in Etudes rurales, 118 /119, avril/sept, 1990, pp. 145-157.
Essay on weather and climate experience.
- La Soudière, Martin de, Au bonheur des saisons : voyage au pays de la météo, Paris, Grasset, 1999, 379 p.
Ethnology of our "meteorological culture" involving a great amount of quotations, proverbs, trivial events, observations and reflections. The author is also providing us with a bibliography on climate and meteorology through its various aspects.
- La Soudière, Martin de, « Revisiter la météo », in Etudes rurales, n° 118 /119, avril/sept. 1990.
History of approches and long avoidance and eviction of meteorology in social sciences. Study of the recent emergence of meteorology as research field in
social sciences and the relative place of a phenomenology of weather within this field. Outline of a phenomenology of weather.
- La Soudière, Martin de, L’Hiver. À la recherche d’une morte-saison, L’homme et la nature, La manufacture, 1987, 267 p.
- Schmitz, Hermann, « Luft und was wir als sie spüren“, in Bernd Busch (Hg.), Luft, Köln, Kunst- und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2003, pp. 76-84.
Phenomenology of our air and atmosphere perception.
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