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 LASER > RENCONTRE - Jeudi 28 mai 2020

La Diagonale Paris-Saclay            cite des arts paris

Jeudi 28 mai 2020

Cette rencontre LASER Paris commence à 18h00 avec la projection du film " The Other Side of Mars " de Minna Långström. Elle se tient en anglais (non traduit).

Rencontre LASER Paris co-organisée par Leonardo/Olats et La Diagonale Paris-Saclay
avec le soutien de la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso,
en partenariat avec la Cité internationale des arts.

Auditorium Cité internationale des arts
18 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville 75004 Paris 18h00 - 22h00

The Other Side of Mars
crédit : courtesy of napafilms ltd
The Other Side of Mars

Résumé :

Can images and data alone give us a complete comprehension of what another world is like?
An extensive understanding of the Martian terrain is more than the sum of its parts; the data derived from the photons hitting the light-sensitive cells of the robot's cameras. The regular work of navigating the rover from target to target on Mars, gradually creates an internal model of the place - within the rover drivers - with an understanding of the continuity of the place not available as images. Our understanding of the planet as a place is spectral, depending on the various perspectives of those working in these missions, but also incomplete as it lacks the perceived inner landscapes - between the photos - which are impossible to share, as well as the blind spots caused by the singular vantage point of the rover.

Minna Långström


Minna Långström is a media artist and film maker from Helsinki, Finland. Her artistic work consists of participatory cinematic installations, short films and documentaries. Her work processes tend to be extensively researched and interdisciplinary. Her latest film " The Other Side of Mars " (56 min, 2019) brought her in contact with geologists, astrobiologists and Nasa engineers involved with the current Mars missions. Premiering at the DocPoint Documentary Film Festival 2019, and screened at festivals around the world, the film looks at the role of images in these missions. Her previous films and artwork have been selected to numerous film festivals and exhibited at museums such as Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art and Frankfurter Kunstverein and in galleries such as InterAccess gallery in Toronto. Långström was an assistant professor in Moving Image at the Academy of Fine Art in Helsinki 2008-2012, where she also developed course concepts critically connecting media art, science and technology. She has been an artist in residency at FACT, Liverpool, IASPIS, Stockholm and Space Studios for Art and Technology in London.

Humane Methods

Humane Methods

Résumé :

Humane Methods is a radically transdisciplinary project which aims to expose the violence of algorithmic societies. How is the development of AI and robotics linked to the impending destruction of the natural ecosystem? What can humans learn from non-humans others in this moment of crisis? The project actively involves artists working with new media, biological materials and performance, designers, AI and neurorobotics scientists. It manifests itself in two separate formats: An evening-length performance (which was premiered in October 2019 at Romaeuropa Festival and it's now available for touring); and a 48-hour durational, participative format, which will premiered in December/January 2021 at a leading European Theatre and will then tour throughout 2021. The project can be presented in theaters or in unusual venues such as abandoned warehouses, empty stations or other places being repurposed.
In a landscape of ruined nature and technological relics, a community of semi-human figures lives a primal and stern existence. An artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm tries to learn a meaningless sequence of numbers. Inundating the space is a dogged, hypnotic stream of sound and light: the calculations of the AI turned into perceivable material. Robotic prosthetics limbs, half-deity and half bare bone neural networks, crave for skin in a mysterious sacrifice ritual. Performers and audience alike are torn between communion and tragedy. Factions are born, and a society emerges. Soon enough it is already struggling against its own balance. Recent traumas loom in dead plant specimen and uncompleted architectonic structures. Chimeric creatures bear haunting signs of past and future: may they be carrier of hope? It is a garden out of time, or perhaps, it is a garden within the fold of our times.

Marco Donnarumma - Baptiste Caramiaux - Margherita Pevere

crédit : Margarita Kosi, 2019


Marco Donnarumma, media artist and performer

Born in Naples in 1984, Marco Donnarumma (DE) is a performance and media artist, director, composer and scholar. Since the early 2000s, he has been interbreeding contemporary performance, media art and computer music to inquire into the recondite matters of the human body. He is widely known for his performances probing the body through sound physicality, technological engineering and movement research. Oneiric and uncompromising, sensual and confrontational, his language is often rooted in the experience of ritual, shock and coercion. His repertoire tours regularly from theaters to concert halls, festivals and museums, and has been presented in 65 countries worldwide.

Baptiste Caramiaux, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Inria, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique

Baptiste Caramiaux is a multidisciplinary researcher interested in a human-centred approach of machine learning technologies, which supports human learning, artistic practice, data authorship and critical discourse.
He is currently a CNRS research scientist at the Computer Science lab of University Paris-Saclay. He received a PhD in Music Computing from University Pierre et Marie Curie and IRCAM, and a M.Sc in applied mathematics from Grenoble Institute of Technology. He was a researcher at Goldsmiths College University of London, from 2012 to 2015 and a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Research Fellow at McGill University from 2016-2018. He worked as Senior Research Scientist at Mogees Ltd in 2015. His research has been published in major conferences and journals in the field. In parallel to his scientific work, he has active artistic collaborations and he is involved in expert-led reports on the use of AI in cultural and creative sectors in Europe.

Margherita Pevere, bioartist and performer

With a visceral fascination for biological matter, Margherita Pevere (DE) is an artist and researcher. Bacteria, animals and plants are her allies in the exploration of underlying theme of ecological complexity, which she pursues with sophisticated bodily aesthetics. Created both in the studio and in biological laboratories, Pevere's installations and performances are chimeras intertwining poetics and controversy, critique and desire.
Based between Berlin and Helsinki, Pevere is PhD candidate (Artistic Research) at Aalto University, Helsinki, in collaboration with Biofilia Laboratory - Base for biological arts, supported by the Finnish National Agency for Education (2018) and Kone Foundation (2019-2020). She is member of the Finnish Bioart Society, the Eco- and Bioart Research Network, and the Posthumanities Hub. In 2019, she founded the artist group Fronte Vacuo with Marco Donnarumma and Andrea Familari.
Most recent shows include Experiment Future, Kunsthalle Rostock (DE); Emergent Form, the Fields Institute for Research in mathematical Sciences, Toronto (CA); What is life?, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki (FI). In 2018 she was awarded the Digital Art Award of Romaeuropa Festival (with Marco Donnarumma) and the Honorable Mention at the Share Prize. She is recipient of the 2019 European Media Art Platforms EMARE production grant at KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis.


Creative Europe  LASER / Leonardo Art-Science Evening Rendezvous est un projet de Leonardo/ISAST

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