Volume II
R.Cargill Hall, Editor
Symposia sponsored by
International Academy of Astronautics and held at
Mar del Plata, Argentina, October 10,1969
Constance, German Federal Republic, October 11-12,1970
Brussels, Belgium, September 23, 1971
Vienna, Austria, October 13, 1972
National Aeronautics
And Space Administration
Scientific and Technical
Information Office
1,1939-1946 : A MEMOIR
F.J. Malina
This memoir is a sequel to the
one I wrote on the GALCIT (Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology) Rocket Research Project 1936-38,
for the First International Symposium on the History of Aeronautics,
organized by the International Academy of Astronautics at Belgrade on
25-26 September, 1967
3. As I pointed
out then, I fully recognize the fallibility of memory and the
unavoidable injection of personal evaluations and
Whereas few written records for
the period 1936-38 of rocket research at the California Institute of
Technology (Caltech) remain, during the period 1936-46, numerous
formal reports were prepared under contracts to agencies of the U.S.
government, and are available to anyone interested. On the other
hand, during the latter period our research work became secret, so
that there are not many personal records of an intimate kind to turn
to for aspects of developments that frequently are more interesting
than cold, formal reports. It is a misfortune that minutes of the
weekly research conferences held between 1939 and April 1944 are no
longer to be found in the archives of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4. Secret
classification of research also prohibited the free publication of
results between 1940 and 1946. For this reason, some of these results
are still not as well known as the more highly publicized activities
of other groups during this period in the USA and in other countries,
especially in Nazi Germany. This situation was aggravated by the fact
that several key persons who led the research at JPL dispersed after
the end of the Second World War. Summaries of various aspects of this
work, some published, can be found in References 2 to 10.
In September 1939, Nazi Germany
invaded Poland and World War II began. This had a direct impact upon
the rocket research plans of the GALCIT Rocket Research Group. Work
toward our dreams of designing rockets for scientific research at
high altitudes and for space flight had to be deferred for several
years. We had anticipated the outbreak of war in Europe some time
before it began, and our thoughts turned towards the use of rocket
propulsion as an auxiliary to the propeller-piston engine power
plants then in general use for aircraft. We had been authoritatively
told by a senior officer of the U.S. Army Ordnance Department that
there was little possibility of applying rocket propulsion in
military missiles
Inter-service rivalry over
rockets would appear several years later. As late as 1944, the Army
Air Corps, by then called the Army Air Forces, readily allowed the
Jet Propulsion laboratory to undertake Americas first research
program on long range rocket missiles for the Army Ordnance
Department. At the time, Army Air Forces foresaw little possibility
of such missiles replacing many functions of bomber aircraft in
warfare. It is surprising that Allied military intelligence had no
inkling of the advanced state of military rocket development in
Germany until 1943.
When General Henry H . Arnold,
Chief of the Army Air Corps, visited Caltech
6 in May 1938,
Theodore von Karman (1881-1963) (figure 1) first learned that
interest was developing in the use of rocket propulsion for military
aircraft. I prepared a report in August for the Consolidated Aircraft
Company (now called General Dynamics/Convair) at San Diego,
California, on the possibility of using rocket propulsion for
assisting the take-off of large aircraft, especially flying boats at
a Caltech
7 luncheon of the
Society of Sigma Xi, I was informed by von Karman, Robert A. Millikan
(1868-1963), and Max M. Mason, that I was to go to Washington D.C. to
give expert information on rocket propulsion to the National Academy
of Sciences Committee on Army Air Corps Research. Mason was chairman
and R.A. Millikan and von Karman were members of the
General Arnold has asked the
Academy for advice on a number of subjects, one of which was the
possible use of rockets for the assisted take-off of heavily loaded
aircraft. Some feared that sufficiently long runaways would be
unavailable in combat areas. (Later, other feared that the new jet
engines would have low power on take-off and would require very long
runaways). Actually, the bulldozer solved the problem on land, making
long runaways practical. Rocket-assisted take-off aircraft on
aircraft carriers, however, soon assumed importance to the U.S.
I prepared a study entitled "
Report on Jet Propulsion for the National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Air Corps Research ", which contained the following
parts : (1) Fundamental concepts , (2) Classification of types of jet
propulsors, (3) Possible applications of jet propulsion in connection
with heavier-than-air craft, (4) Present state of development of jet
propulsion, and (5) a proposed research program for developing jet
Theodore von Karman in 1939
The word " rocket " was still
in such bad repute in " serious " scientific circles at this time
that it was felt advisable by von Karman and myself to follow the
precedent of the Air Corps of dropping the use of the word. It did
not return to our vocabulary until several years later, by which time
the word " jet " had become part of the name of our laboratory (JPL)
and of the Aerojet General Corporation.
I presented my report to the
National Academys Committee on December 28, 1938, and shortly
thereafter the Academy accepted von Karmans proposal for a
study by our GALCIT Rocket Research Group of the problem of the
assisted take-off of aircraft as well as the preparation of the
detailed plan for an extensive research program. The Academy provided
a sum of a $1, 000 for this study, which was to be completed in about
six months. Incidentally, when Caltech obtained this first government
grant for rocket research, Jerome C. Hunsaker of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology agreed to study for the Air Corps the
de-icing problem of windshields, then a serious aircraft problem, and
told von Karman : " You can have the Buck Rogers
Figure 2
Frank J. Malina in 1943
John W. Parsons (1914-1952) and
Edward S. Forman were delighted when I returned from Washington with
the news that our efforts during the previous three years were to be
rewarded by financial support from the government, and that von
Karman would devote more of his time to the work. We could even
expect to be paid for doing our rocket research. Parsons, Forman and
I were the only members of the original GALCIT research group at this
time still carrying on at Caltech. We proceeded to collect more
information on rockets for assisting the take-off of aricraft, and to
accumulate experimental data on rocket motor performance with solid
propellant rockets and with the gaseous propellant engines in a test
stand we had constructed the previous year.
In May 1939, as part of his
survey of aircraft development for the Army Air Corps, Charles A.
Lindberg came to Caltech after visiting Robert H. Goddard at his New
Mexico research station. Since von Karman was away on one of his
rather frequent trips, Clark B. Millikan (1903-1966) briefed Lindberg
on aeronautical research at GALCIT, and I told him about our studies
of the possible use of rocket propulsion for aircraft. He said
nothing about his visit with Goddard
10 . It is odd
that none of the military services, to my knowledge , ever requested
JPL to send copies of reports to Goddard, although we had a
considerable mailing list of individuals and organizations.
Similarly, none of Goddards reports to governmental agencies
were ever received at JPL.
Figure 3
John W. Parsons in
About this time I learned that
Eugen Sänger was carrying on rocket research in Germany in reply
to a letter I had sent him in Vienna
11. But
information on rocket research in Nazi Germany that began in the
early 1930s was unavailable to the Project until November 1943, when
we received British Intelligence reports on the V-2 missile work at
Peenemunde. No information on rocket research in the USSR was
available during the period of this memoir. Later, in September 1944,
I went to England on a mission for the Ordnance Department where I
obtained detailed information on British rocket research. I obtained
further information during a second mission in the autumn of 1946.
Some reports had been received by the project on British work
beginning in 1940, and several British researchers visited us during
the following years.
The studies and experiments we
carried out in the spring of 1939 made us sufficiently confident of
the possibility of developing both solid and liquid propellant rocket
engines to the extent that we prepared a proposal the National
Academy for a $1,000,000 program of research and facilities
construction for the fiscal year 1939-40, beginning on July 1, 1939.
Von Karman took the proposal to Washington only to find that our
optimism was not shared either by the National Academy or by the Air
Corps. In his autobiography, von Karman recounts that while
discussing the proposal with Major Benjamin Chidlaw (later Commanding
General of Air Material Command) he was asked " do you honestly
believe that the Air Corps should spend as much as $10,000 for such a
thing as rockets ? ". This amount turned out to be the maximum that
could be obtained. It meant that our experimental work would have to
be done either on the campus of Caltech, where our presence was not
very popular, or with temporary portable setups in the Arroyo Seco
river bed above Devils Gate Dam on the western edge of
The contract, sponsored by the
National Academy of Sciences, came into force on 1 July 1939,
bringing into being the Army Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research
Project. (A year later the Army Air Corps took over direct
sponsorship of the Project .) Under its terms, studies were to be
made of a number of basic problems connected with the development of
rocket engines for application to the " super-performance " of
aircraft. The term " super-performance " was defined to include : (a)
shortening of the time and distance required to takeoff, (b)
temporary increase of rate of climb, and (c) temporary increase of
level flight speed. The contract also wisely authorized work to be
done on both liquid and solid-propellant rocket engines.
Von Karman, then 58 years of
age, became actively committed to the development of rocket
propulsion by assuming direction of the Project. Parsons, Forman, and
myself as chief engineer, formed the nucleus of the staff. He brought
to our work his vast experience of utilizing mathematics and
fundamental physical principles for the solution of difficult
engineering problems, and a rare skill in negotiation and
organization. Parsons was then 25 ; Forman and I were 27. While von
Karman was away, I chose the designation GALCIT Project n°1 for
the Air Corps Research. When he returned he surprised me by frowning
at the designation. He said I evidently did not know what House
n°1 meant in China. At the Air Material Command, Wright Field,
Dayton , Ohio, the Project was known by the designation Aircraft
Laboratory Project MX 121.
We carried out the experimental
work partly on the campus of Caltech and partly in the Arroyo Seco
above Devils Gate Dam in Pasadena during the first year of the
Project. In 1940, six acres on the western bank of the Arroyo Seco
were leaned from the Water Department of the City of Pasadena for the
duration of World War II. Approximately 40 acres had been leased from
the City by 1946 and this area is still a part of the tract on which
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is located. Most of the temporary
structures for offices and testing have disappeared, since then
replaced by permanent installations. Residents near the Project put
up with the noise of rocket testing until the end of the war in 1946
but, thereafter, noisy experiments were shifted to other
installations, for example in the Mojave desert. Facilities of the
Project in 1941, in 1945, and in 1969 are shown in figures 4 (a) and
(b), 5 and 6.
Figure 4 (a)
Sketch in 1940 of Layout of
First Project
Facilities to be Constructed at
Arroyo Seco, Pasadena
The Project benefited greatly
from the use of special Caltech laboratory equipment, and for advice
from members of the faculty and staff. For example, Aladar Hollander,
Linus A. Pauling, and Fritz Zwicky were frequently consulted. A
Chemistry Group under the direction of Bruce H. Sage began working on
chemical problems of propellants for the project in 1942. Also
several Caltech staff members served as senior research engineers for
the Project on a part-time basis. The fact that Zwicky became one of
our consultants in 1940 had ironic overtones. While working on the
theory of rocket propulsion for my doctoral thesis in
12, I mentioned
to him some difficulties I was having in my study. He exploded with
the opinion that I was wasting my time on an impossible subject. For,
he said, I must realize that a rocket could not operate in space as
it required the atmosphere to push against to provide thrust ! By
1940 he realized that he was mistaken.
Figure 4 (b)
View of Project Facilities in
It is not possible in this
memoir to mention the many devoted men and women who carried out
rocket research, assisted in the construction and testing of
experimental devices, made designs and computations, and helped with
the administration of the Project. E.S. Forman and E.M. Pierce were
key persons in the first phase of the installation of buildings and
facilities. Pierce, who was loved by all, was my administrative
mainstay during the period covered by this memoir. It was no easy
matter, in the midst of World War II, to assemble a qualified staff
that grew in number each year. Obtaining scarce materials and
equipment was a constant, frustrating trial. A group photograph of
the Project personnel in 1945 is shown in Figure 7.
Characteristics and
Performance Parameters of a Rocket Motor
H.S. Tsien and I began
theoretical studies of the characteristics of an ideal rocket motor
consisting of a chamber of fixed volume and an exhaust nozzle in
1936. The results of these studies up to the end of 1939 are given in
Reference 12. I developed a universal ideal-thrust diagram showing
the dependence of thrust on the expansion ratio of the exhaust
nozzle, the ratio of chamber pressure to external pressure, the exit
angle of the exhaust nozzle and the specific heat ratio of the
exhaust gas (figure 8). A form of this diagram is now used for
determining the ideal thrust coefficient, CF, of a
rocket motor. The effect of the angle of divergence of the exhaust
nozzle on thrust under ideal conditions was calculated by
Figure 5
Layout of the Facilities
of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory , GALCIT in
June 1945
Experimental studies of the
characteristics of a rocket motor were carried out, beginning in 1938
by Parsons, Forman and myself with the gaseous propellants, oxygen
and ethylene
13. Data were
first obtained with oxygen alone to check the test stand installation
and to compare results with those reported by Bartocci in March 1938.
These were followed by data obtained with the combustion of oxygen
and ethylene
14. During one of
the first series of tests with this combination, in March 1939, the
oxygen line exploded, scattering parts of the apparatus over a large
area. Though shaken, Parsons and Forman, who were conducting the test
, were unhurt. A piece of the Bourbon tube of one of the pressure
gauges buried itself in a wooden beam about where my head would have
been if von Karman had not called me away earlier.
Martin Summerfield joined the
Project in July 1940 and continued these studies with an improved
test installation (Figure 9) . In particular , he determined the
value of the thrust coefficient under real conditions, as it was
affected by the angle of divergence of the exhaust
15, and he found
that thrust augmentors gave little promise from a practical point of
16. He also
investigated the significance of the ratio of the combustion chamber
volume to the nozzle throat area, L*, proposed by Sänger for
determining the required propellant stay-time in a combustion
chamber. It is connected with chemical kinetics and affects
combustion efficiency
Figure 6
Aerial View of the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
In 1965
While conducting experiments
with liquid propellants in 1941, Walter B. Powell, following a
discussion with Mark M. Mills , introduced a useful parameter called
the characteristic velocity, c*, which is defined so as to
give the effective exhaust velocity, c, as a product of the
experimental coefficients, CF and c*. The characteristic
velocity is determined only by the properties of the propellant and
the nozzle throat area. Thus, it is independent of exit conditions
and may be considered as the parameter indicating the efficacy of the
combustion process
18. At about this
time another useful parameter, called the specific impulse,
Isp, came into use. It is ordinarily expressed in pounds
thrust per pound of propellant consumed per second.
Figure 7
Personnel of the jet
Propulsion Laboratory,
GALCIT in 1945
Stability of Restricted
Burning Solid Propellant Rocket Units
One of our first
objectives was to develop a solid propellant rocket unit capable of
delivering a constant thrust on the order of 1000 pounds for a period
of 10 to 30 seconds. As far as was known, no black powder or
smokeless power rocket had ever been constructed to meet these
specifications of thrust and duration. Experts we consulted were very
dubious about the possibility of doing so. Preliminary experiments
made by Parsons and Forman with pressed solid propellant charges
restricted to burn cigarette-fashion appeared to support this
19. It was
generally believed that the combustion chamber pressure of a
restricted burning solid rocket unit would continue to rise from the
moment of ignition until any combustion chamber of reasonable weight
would burst. In other words, it was thought that such combustion was
inherently unstable. Von Karman, in the spring of 1940, after
listening both to the opinions of the experts and to the explosions
of Parsons rockets, one evening at his home wrote down four
differential equations describing the operation of an ideal
restricted burning motor, and asked me to solve them (Figure
10). Much to our relief we found that, theoretically, a restricted
burning unit would maintain a constant chamber pressure as long as
the ratio of the area of the throat of the exhaust nozzle to the
burning area of the propellant charge remained constant, that is ,
the process is stable
verification of the theory was soon obtained (cf. Section III). (It
has been shown that the theory is correct provided the chamber
frequency is low (that is L* large).

Universal Ideal Thrust Diagram
(cf. Ref. 12.2)
Cooling of Rocket
A rocket motor operates under
more severe conditions of high temperature and of continuous rate of
heat release than any other heat engine utilizing chemical
combustion. For these reasons, problems of heat transfer are among
the most acute and important in rocket motor design. Rocket engines
for the assisted take-off of aircraft require motors to operate for a
maximum period of up to around 30 seconds. Tests made by various
experimenters in the 1930s showed that for such a duration it was not
necessary to cool the walls of the combustion chamber and exhaust
nozzle. In an uncooled motor, thermal equilibrium in the materials of
construction is not reached during the safe period of operation ; if
it were to be reached, the motor would become a molten mass. Work
carried out by the Project on the design and construction of uncooled
solid propellant units and of liquid propellant motors is discussed
in Sections IV and V below. The uncooled liquid propellant motor of
1999 lb. Thrust used in the A-20A flight tests in 1942 had a safe
operating period of 75 seconds , but it weighed 90
Figure 9
Martin Summerfield and
Edward G. Crofut in
front of Gas Propellant
Test Stand in
High performance , long
duration rocket motors require the use of refractory liners or
cooling of the walls in the case of liquid propellant motors by all
or part of the propellants. In the 1930s, researchers demonstrated
the feasibility of constructing regeneratively cooled motors in which
the coolant liquid absorbs heat as it circulates around the motor
inducts and is then injected into the combustion chamber. Extensive
studies of regeneratively cooled motors were begun in 1942 by
Summerfield and Seifert
22. When they
began these studies, practically no information was available on the
various aspects of regenerative cooling that would permit the design
of a motor to meet the Air Corps performance specifications for
various applications. There were, in fact, doubts cast on the
principle of regenerative cooling for motors operating at higher
values of specific impulse because it appeared to be a " boot-strap "
process. But theoretical and experimental studies showed that the
principle was sound
23 and data were
accumulated to permit the design of such motors.

Four Differential Equations
That Describe the
Operation of an Ideal Solid
Propellant Rocket Motor
Search for
The high gas temperatures and
velocities encountered in rocket motors and the unusual
characteristics of chemicals used as liquid propellants posed special
problems whose solution could not be found in other domains of
heat-engine technology. Systematic studies of materials were begun by
the Project in 1942, including the properties of steel, aluminum and
magnesium alloys, ceramics and materials produced by means of powder
metallurgy. It is comforting to note that humans , in cooperation
with nature, provided the materials required by the designers of
various types of rocket engines. The trials and tribulations of those
that searched for materials are evident in the early reports by N.
Kaplan and R.J. Andrus and by Mills
24, in the
monthly reports and in the conference minutes of the
When the development of a
liquid propellant rocket unit for use aboard aircraft was discussed
with the air Corps, we decided that the project should attempt to use
aviation gasoline as a fuel and something besides liquid oxygen (LOX)
as an oxidizer.
Liquid oxygen, the ideal
oxidizer from a rocket performance point of view, had been used by
Goddard, members of the American Rocket Society, and others. However,
the problems of producing, transporting and storing LOX in 1939 (or
at any time, as far as the military services were concerned) were
considered so formidable that it should be avoided. In todays
idiom, the Air Corps wanted rocket engines that utilized " storable
propellants ".
Parsons, in his report of June
26, suggested,
among other storable oxidizers, a mixture of nitric acid and nitrogen
pentoxyde. In 1939, he recommended the choice of red fuming nitric
acid, a solution of nitric acid and nitrogen dioxyde, hereafter
called RFNA. This oxidizer has poisonous properties and is very
corrosive, requiring the use of stainless steel or aluminum to
contain it. Nevertheless, it was more acceptable to the Air Corps
that LOX. Just before Christmas, 1939, tests in an open crucible
showed that RFNA would burn with gasoline and benzene. As pointed out
in Section V, Summerfield and Powell subsequently found in testing
actual rocket motors that RFNA and gasoline led to unstable
combustion. The resulting pulses in some cases became so great that
the combustion chamber exploded. The phenomenon of " throbbing " has
not been completely cured to the present day.
A chemistry group, directed by
Sage, was set up at Caltech at the beginning of 1941 to investigate
the RFNA-gasoline reaction and the properties of other possible
liquid propellants. We began to dream of the advantages of a fuel
that would be spontaneously ignitable with RFNA. It would dispense
with the need of an ignition system and might burn more
satisfactorily with the oxidizer. In early February 1942, I visited
the rocket research group at the Naval Engineering Experiment Station
at Annapolis, Maryland, directed by an old friend, Lt. Robert C.
Traux. While discussing the problem of RFNA-gasoline combustion with
Ensign Ray C. Stiff, the chemical engineer of the group, I learned
that he had found in the chemistry literature a reference to a
property of aniline to ignite spontaneously with nitric acid. He
wondered if it would be of any help to add aniline to
During the overnight train trip
from Annapolis to Dayton, Ohio, it occurred to me that we should try
replacing gasoline entirely with aniline as a fuel. This would
complicate Air Corps logistic problem, but it seemed it might be the
necessary price to pay for an engine that would not explode
unpredictably. Upon arriving in Dayton, I sent a telegram to
Summerfield asking him to try the idea. When I returned to Pasadena a
few days later, he greeted me with exultation. We had a reliable,
storable, liquid propellant rocket engine !
Parsons and I filed a patent on
8 May 1943 for a reaction motor operable by liquid propellants and
the method of operating it -- a motor using spontaneously ignitable
27. Long after
the war, I learned that Lutz and his collaborators in Germany has
stumbled on what they called hypergolic propellants at about the same
time. It is interesting to note that our patent included, among other
suggestions, the use of hydrazine as a fuel with nitrogen dioxide.
This is the basic combination used in the engines constructed by the
Aerojet General Corporation for the Apollo Service Module, and by the
Bell Aircraft Corporation for the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module,
which so far have performed without fail in the flights of men to the
Moon. The project initiated research on hydrazine and its compounds
in 1945.
We encountered considerable
resistance from the military services to the acceptance of the toxic
aniline as a replacement for gasoline. The Air Material Command
finally gave way when it became evident that the A-20A flight tests,
scheduled to start within two months, could not be made without risk
of catastrophe if gasoline was used as a fuel. The Navy Bureau of
Aeronautics continued to resist the use of aniline by the Annapolis
group for almost another year, when a violent explosion that wrecked
their nitric acid-gasoline test stand made them accept it.
After completing the successful
flight tests of the a-20A aircraft equipped with two uncooled 1000
lb. Thrust, 25 seconds, RFNA-analine engines were completed (cf.
Section VI), the project initiated detailed studies of the problems
of propellant injection into the rocket motor, a search for other
spontaneously ignitable propellant combinations such as furfuryl
alcohol and nitric acid not containing nitrogen dioxide or " white
acid " -- and of methods of cooling long-duration motors and of
supplying propellants by means of gas pressure and of pumps (cf.
Section V). Work was initiated on the development of engines
utilizing liquid oxygen in October 1942
28. The outlook
of the project on liquid propellants in 1943 is described in
reference 28.
In 1944 studies of
monopropellants, such as nitromethane and hydrogen peroxide, began .
In 1937 Parsons already had listed tetranitromethane as a possible
rocket propellant. The advantage of a monopropellant would be a much
simpler engine, since only one propellant tank, one pump and one
control valve would be required. Although nitromethane is
comparatively easy to handle , it is sensitive to temperature, has a
tendency to explode under impact or shock, and is difficult to ignite
and sustain a reaction in a combustion chamber
29. To the best
of my knowledge, a satisfactory rocket engine utilizing nitromethane
has not been developed.
Hydrogen peroxide, although it
has found a place in present day rocket technology, was regarded with
fear and suspicion by the Project. This attitude arose when 60 pounds
of H2O2 in a stainless steel tank exploded in
the summer of 1944. The cause was not definitely determined; however,
the summer atmospheric temperature of about 100°F and the
possibility of foreign material in the tank were felt to have been
contributing factors
Although there have been
centuries of experiences with black powder rockets, and several
investigators used smokeless powder and Ballistite in rockets between
about 1918 and 1939, none of these rockets had the thrust and
duration required for the aircraft " superperformance " applications.
Parsons and Forman in 1938 built and tested a smokeless powder
constant-volume combustion motor similar to the one that had been
used by Goddard
31. We concluded
after these tests that the mechanical complications of constructing
an engine using successive impulses to obtain thrust durations of
over 10 seconds was impractical. Upon Parsons recommendation, we
concentrated our efforts on the development of a motor provided with
a restricted burning powder charge that would burn at one end only at
constant pressure to provide a constant thrust.
Parsons started with the
traditional sky rocket. This type of pyrotechnic device was propelled
by a black powder charge pressed into a cardboard combustion chamber
with a conical hole in its center. The gases escaped through a
rounded clay orifice. Its efficiency was very low, but it was
reliable. The conical hole in the charge was believed to be the
secret that kept the charge from burning down the sides of the
container to produce chamber pressures that would burst the
container. The longest duration of thrust of this motor did not
exceed about 1 second.
During 1939 an 1940, various
mixtures based on black powder and mixtures of black powder with
smokeless powder were tested in 1 in. And 3 in. Diameter chambers.
The charge for the 3 in. Chamber was made up of 6 in. Long pellets
compressed at around 6,500 p.s.i. that were coated with various
substances to form a solid or liquid seal between the charge and the
walls of the chamber (Figure 3). The charge of the 1 in. Chamber was
pressed directly into the chamber in small increments at pressures
between 7,700 and 12,000 p.s.i. Most of the tests of these charges
ended in an explosion. Mechanical causes for failures, such as
burning of the charge on the surface next to the wall because of
leakage, transfer of heat down the walls sufficient to ignite the
sides of the charge, and cracking of the charge under combustion
pressure, were suspected. However, there were those who were
convinced that the combustion process of a restricted burning charge
in a rocket motor was basically unstable. It was only when the von
Karman-Malina analysis of the characteristics of the ideal solid
propellant rocket motor was made in the spring of 1940 (section II),
that proved the process was stable, that a concentrated effort was
made to study the mechanical causes of failure
Hundreds of tests were then
made with different powder mixtures, using black powder as the basic
ingredient, with various loading techniques and with various motor
designs. The dependence of chamber pressure on the ratio of chamber
cross section area to nozzle throat area was determined for each
specific powder mixture.
By the spring of 1941, results
were sufficiently encouraging to schedule flight tests of an aircraft
equipped with solid propellant rockets specially designed for it. (A
discussion of the flight tests of the Ercoupe airplane is given in
Section VI)
33. The
propellant charge used in the Ercoupe motors was a type of amide
black powder designated as GALCIT 27. The 2 lb. charge was pressed
into the combustion chamber, which had a blotting paper liner, in 22
increments by a plunger with a conical nose shape at a pressure of 18
tons. The diameter of the charge was 1.75 in. And its length varied
between 10 and 11 in. The motor was designed to deliver about 28 lb.
thrust for about 12 seconds (figures 11 (a) and 11(b)). Eighteen
rockets motors were delivered every other day for the flight tests at
March Field, California, about an hours drive from the Project.
During the first phase of the flight tests one motor failed
explosively in a static test and one while the Ercoupe was in level
flight. Thereafter, 152 motors were used in succession without
explosive failures. The motors were prepared by Parsons, Forman and
Fred Miller
It was most fortunate that the
flight tests were carried out close to the location of the Project,
which permitted the rocket motors to be fired within a few days from
the time they were charged with propellant. Following the flight
tests, it was found that after the motors were exposed to simulated
storage and temperature conditions over several days they exploded in
most cases. It vas evident that either the blotting paper liner or
the mechanical characteristics of the propellant were unsatisfactory.
But the Navy Department regarded the successful Ercoupe tests with
much interest from the point of view of application of rockets for
the assisted take-off of aircraft from aircraft carriers. Upon the
urging of Lt. C.F. Fischer of the Bureau of Aeronautics , who had
witnessed the tests, a contract was placed by the Navy with the
Project in early 1942 for the development of a 200 lb. thrust, 8
second unit. The unit was designated by the acronym JATO for Jet
Assisted Take-Off, and this designation is still used.
This Navy contract came in the
midst of the explosive failures of the JATO unit developed for the
Ercoupe tests. All efforts to improve the amide-black powder
propellant and loading techniques of the motor developed for the
Ercoupe tests failed to meet specified storage conditions ranging
from Alaska to Africa ; Investigation of motors using Ballistite, a
compound essentially of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin, also proved
negative, mainly because of its ambient temperature sensitivity, that
is, the variation of its rate of burning with ambient temperature
sensitivity, that is the variation of its rate of burning with
ambient temperature.

Drawing of the 25 lb. Thrust ,
12 second
Solid-propellant JATO Unit used in The
Ercoupe Flight tests,
August 1941
For example, a JATO unit
designed to deliver 1,000 lb thrust at 90°F would deliver at
most only 600 lb, thrust at 40°f. Though the duration of thrust
at the lower temperature would be lengthened, an aircraft assisted
under such a condition might fail to take off from a short
This, the spring of 1942 was
one of desperation for those concerned with development of a reliable
solid propellant JATO unit. We know that theoretically it was
possible to construct such an engine, but no one came forward with a
promising idea until June, when Parsons, no doubt after communing
with his poetic spirits, suggested trying a radical new propellant.
It would consist of potassium perchlorate, as oxidizer, common
asphalt used on roads as a binder and fuel, and be cast, after being
mixed, into a combustion chamber. A test of the propellant,
designated GALCIT 53, was quickly made and the results were so
promising that work on other propellant types was dropped for a long
time. Parsons was assisted in the development of the asphalt base
propellant by Mills and Fred Miller
35. After due
study of the origin of the ideas for the new propellant, Parsons was
recognized as its inventor and a patent was granted in his
Figure 11 (b)
View of Six JATO Units.
Attachment assemblies
And Ignition System for Ercoupe
Flight tests
At first, the Ordnance
Department objected strongly to our use of potassium perchlorate as
an oxidizer because it had proved unsafe in the past. Parsons
realized that their objection was no longer valid, since ways had
been found to produce the material with a minimum purity of 99%.
Impurities in the form of dangerous chlorates had been practically
eliminated. The ruling of the Ordnance Department was thereafter
changed, allowing the use of this kind of solid oxidizer. The Navy
contract for 100 JATO units delivering 200 lb. thrust for 8 seconds
was successfully completed, with GALCIT 53 as the
36. (Figure 12)
Production of service-type units for the Navy began shortly
thereafter at the Aerojet Engineering Corporation (now Aerojet
General Corporation, Cf.Section VIII).
Figure 12
View of 200 lb. Thrust, 8
second Solid-Propellant
JATOs Produced in 1942 for the
U.S. Navy
The project carried out
extensive studies on asphalt-base propellants (composite propellants,
as they are now called) in the following years. A detailed report
released in May 1944 on the propellant GALCIT 61-C by Mills can be
found in reference 32. GALCIT 61-C consisted of 76% potassium
perchlorate and 24% fuel. The fuel component was 70% Texaco n°
18 asphalt and 30% Union Oil Company Pure Penn SAE n°10
lubricating oil. The fuel was liquefied at about 275° F, the
pulverized potassium perchlorate added to it, and the mixture
thoroughly stirred. The mixture was then poured into the combustion
chamber, which had been previously lined with a material similar to
the fuel component, and allowed to cool and become hard. This
propellant when burned at a chamber pressure of 2,000 p.s.i. had a
chamber temperature of 3,000-3,500°F, a specific impulse of 186,
and an exhaust velocity of about 5,900 ft. per sec. Storage
temperature limits were from 9°F to 120°F. It was developed
in 1943 and used in service JATO units by the Navy until the end of
World War II.
Solid propellants utilizing
potassium perchlorate as oxidizer produce dense clouds of white smoke
(potassium chloride), which the Navy did not like at all. Some months
after GALCIT 53 was developed, Parsons informed the Project weekly
research conference that he had eliminated the smoke problem by
replacing potassium perchlorate with ammonium perchlorate. Navy
rockets experts were immediately invited to visit the Project for a
demonstration. When they arrived we posted ourselves some distance
from the test pit, the red flag was run up, and Parsons gave the
order for his latest creation to be fired. We beheld a big cloud of
white smoke and Parsons with a look of surprise on his face. He
sheepishly explained that the smoke must have been caused by the
humidity, for the air had been very dry on the days they had made
tests before. Ammonium perchlorate does reduce the amount of smoke
produced if the air is dry, but it produces undesirable chloride in
the jet.
The project also studied the
possible use of other fuels instead of asphalt, such as Napalm gelled
hydrocarbon, gelled wax mixtures, and butyl rubber. A continuation of
studies of the last material later led Charles Bartley, under the
JPL-ORDCIT Project in 1945, to the discovery of the advantages of the
castable elastomeric (polysulfide rubber) material called Thiokol.
This discovery became the basis of solid propellant manufacture by
the Thiokol Chemical Corporation. Air Force Material Command
terminated work by the Project on solid propellant motors on June 30,
1944 ; the Ordnance Department continued the work for long range
missile applications.
In concluding this part on the
work of the Project in developing solid propellants for long duration
rocket motors, it should be pointed out that two of the most
important discoveries in the long history of solid rockets were made
here. First it was theoretically proved by the Karman-Malina analysis
that a stable constant pressure, long duration solid propellant
rocket motor was possible. Second, Parsons found a new kind of
material, the asphalt-potassium perchlorate composite solid
propellant, which initiated modern castable solid propellant rocket
technology. The 200 lb. thrust JATO unit has grown into solid
propellant rocket engines today delivering on the order of 1,000 lb.
A solid propellant rocket motor
consists of a combustion chamber containing the propellant charge, an
ignitor, and an exhaust nozzle through which the combustion products
escape to give thrust. In the first motor design made by the Project,
the nozzle was attached to the combustion chamber by means of bolts
that pulled apart at a chamber pressure considerably below the
pressure that would shatter the walls of the chamber
37. In 1942 Mills
and I devised a pressure-release devise or " safety plug " that
considerably simplified motor-design. A patent was granted to us for
this device on 14 May 1946
Great care was taken to protect
personnel involved in preparing solid propellants and in testing
solid and liquid propellant engines. During the period of this memoir
no serious injury was suffered by any member of he Project, in spite
of the tendency of those daily working with explosives to develop a
contempt for them through familiarity. Parsons was the fatal victim
of this hazard in 1952 when he dropped some fulminate of mercury
while moving his private laboratory from Pasadena to
The work of the Project
concentrated on the design criteria for restricted burning motors
that would be suitable for JATO units and, later for long range
missiles. During the course of this research, engineers were provided
with methods of motor component design when the following
characteristics of the propellant to be used were known :
a. Sensitivity of the
propellant to ambient temperature during combustion
b. Combustion pressure limit
below which the propellant burns in an irregular manner.
c. Combustion pressure limit
above which the propellant burns is in an unpredictable
d. Storage characteristics of
the propellant charge from the point of view of minimum and maximum
ambient temperatures allowed and possible decomposition of the
propellant with prolonged storage.
e. Ignition temperature of the
f. Rate of burning of the
propellant as function of the combustion pressure.
g. Performance characteristics
of the propellant to produce rocket thrust.
The great progress made in the
scientific design of solid propellant rocket motors in comparison
with the empirical, traditional, method used in previous centuries
can be appreciated by reference to the text " Jet Propulsion
40 prepared for
the course at Caltech at the request of the Air Technical Service
Command in 1943 and continued in following years (cf. Section IX).
The development of the solid propellant JATO unit showed that for
many applications it was superior to liquid propellant engines ;
because of its simplicity and reliability. The debate on the
superiority of solid vs. liquid propellant rocket engines for
boosters of space vehicles still rages today.
I would like to point out that
it was the policy of the Project to concentrate efforts on
fundamental research problem of rocket engine development, leaving
pilot and service stage design problems to industry. Von Karman and I
were convinced that this was the appropriate stance to take for an
educational and research institution such as Caltech. The fact that
this policy was violated during later periods in the history of JPL
was due to special circumstances that prevailed in the U.S.A. at that
When the Project initiated work
on rocket engines for the " superperformance " of aircraft in 1939,
it was not evident whether either a solid or a liquid propellant type
could be constructed to meet service requirements. Therefore, we
investigated both types. We realized that a solid propellant JATO
unit would be simpler, lighter, and more practical logistically, even
though it could not be stopped and restarted. On the other hand, for
auxiliary propulsion in flight, the liquid propellant engine, with
its higher specific impulse, possible longer burning duration, and
controllable thrust, would have great advantages. The use of such an
engine for the sole propulsion of an aircraft or of a missile was not
at first contemplated in the program of the project. The study I
prepared in October 1939 on the application of rocket propulsion to a
radio-controlled flying torpedo was used by Captain (later Rear
Admiral) D.S. Fahrney (then head of the guided missile project of the
Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy), as the basis for the design and
production of Americas first guided liquid propellant rocket
missile in the U.S.A. , the GORGON
RFNA-Gasoline Engine
A liquid propellant
engine consists essentially of a rocket motor, propellant feed and
control system, and propellant tanks (Figure 13). Summerfield
initiated experiments directed towards the design and construction of
a JATO unit using RFNA and gasoline on 1 July 1940 on the basis of
experience that we had gained with tests of the gaseous oxygen-methyl
alcohol motor in 1936, experiments we had made, and the meager
information available in the published literature.
The Projects first
permanent installation or test pit for experiments on liquid
propellant rocket engine components was completed in February 1941.
Propellant was fed to a motor by regulated nitrogen gas pressure from
standard commercial tanks. Tests were begun on an uncooled motor
designed to deliver 200 lb. thrust at a combustion chamber pressure
of about 300 p.s.i. The exhaust nozzle , which posed no special
design problems, was made in a copper block and attached to the
chamber by means of bolts that would break at a pressure below the
bursting pressure of the chamber. The volume and shape of the chamber
and the mode of injecting RFNA and gasoline into it to obtain
regular, efficient combustion had to be determined as well as the
method of obtaining ignition.
Figure 13
Schematic Diagram of the
Liquid Propellant
(RFNA-Aniline), Gas
Pressure Supply
System JATO Engine Used
in A-20A
Flight Tests
The first type tested had an
impinging-stream injector with four orifices in a flat plate, two for
RFNA and the two for gasoline, and a spark plug for ignition. Since
the motor in a JATO unit would be placed in a horizontal position, it
was so tested. Three motors were tried and all failed explosively.
The third one , in May 1941, set fire to the railroad ties that made
up the sides of the test pit and caused considerable damage to the
test equipment. The test pits of the Project were deliberately built
facing the brush-covered hillsides in order to stop jets and flying
metal. The brush, which during the long, dry Southern California
season is highly flammable, was cleared near the pits. But we were
constantly worried that one day the brush higher up would ignite in a
big wind and that the fire would race up the mountains toward the Mt.
Wilson Observatory above us. A fire did once break out, but it was
stopped with the help of all hands at the Project. A sprinkler system
was then installed on the hillsides and no further brush fires
troubled us.
The chief cause of the liquid
propellant motor failures was improper ignition. If ignition was not
instantaneous, propellant accumulated in the chamber and, if it then
ignited, an explosive reaction took place. It was concluded that the
injector did not produce fine enough streams to obtain adequate
mixing. A new injector was made with six impingement points ; each
was made up of a central gasoline stream and two RFNA streams from
angled orifices. The spark plug was shielded to prevent short
circuiting by spray. The motor with these modifications worked
repeatedly without failure and led to tests of a similar, larger,
motor designed to deliver 500 lb. thrust. Tests of this motor were
also successful, except for one explosion which should have been a
warning to us.
At this point we concluded that
we knew notably the following, as reported by Summerfield and B.M.
Forman (the cousin of E.S. Forman).
a. How to introduce the
propellant into the motor, including a satisfactory gas pressure
propellant supply system and control valves.
b. The effect of RFNA-gasoline
mixture ratio on combustion chamber temperature and the specific
impulse of a motor.
c. How to reduce exhaust nozzle
erosion by chrome plating the copper surface.
Tests on the 500 lb. thrust
motor, which coincided with the successful Ercoupe flight tests at
March Field (cf. section VI), encouraged us, in September 1941, to
make the following important decisions :
a. Design immediately a 1000
lb.-thrust uncooled motor to operate for a minimum duration of 25
b. Form two groups ; the first
to continue basic studies of engine design, and the second to begin
the design of an experimental JATO unit suitable for installation on
an aircraft.
c. Request the Army Air Forces
(AAF) (formerly the Army Air Corps) to provide an aircraft for flight
tests of the JATO unit (cf. Section VI).
Tests at the beginning of
October of first 1000 lb. thrust motor, provided with an injector
with 15 impingement points and two shielded spark plugs, proved to be
very disappointing. Sometimes ignition was so long delayed that a
very " hard start " resulted ; sometimes it failed altogether. What
really disturbed us, however, was our first encounter with the
unpleasant phenomenon of combustion pulsing or " throbbing " that has
plagued rocket engineers for the past 30 years. Sporadically and
unpredictably a motor begins to throb, slightly at first but with
increasing intensity until, if not promptly shut off, it blows
For four months, various
attempts were made to overcome the phenomenon but without success. In
the meantime, arrangements had been completed with the AAF for flight
tests in the Spring of 1942. The JATO unit that was to be installed
on the 14,000 lb. Douglas bi-motor bomber, the A-20A, was in final
design stage. In early February 1942, I sent the telegram to
Summerfield from Dayton, Ohio to replace gasoline with aniline as a
fuel. My suggestion worked. Throbbing was eliminated or rendered
negligible (cf. Section III). The " throbbing " months drew von
Karman, Summerfield and the Sage Chemistry Group into a concerted
theoretical and experimental attack on the problem . Von Karman
became so fascinated with the problems of liquid propellant
combustion that he pursued them until his death in 1963 ; Summerfield
is still working on them. Von Karman broadened the field to include
aerothermodynamics, and Summerfield subsequently branched off to
include the combustion process of solid propellants.
Engine Research with RFNA
and Spontaneously Igniting Fuel For the A-20A Flight
The property of aniline
to ignite upon contact with nitric acid greatly simplified motor
design. Auxiliary ignition methods could be dispensed with, and the
danger of propellant accumulating in large quantities in a
horizontally mounted motor was avoided provided the propellant
components arrived simultaneously at an appropriate mixture ratio.
The short ignition lag when aniline comes into contact with RFNA,
compared to gasoline, greatly helped to reduce throbbing and
eliminated the destructive buildup of pulses. The importance of
spontaneously igniting chemicals, or " hypergolic " propellants (a
German term), for rocket engines opened up an aspect of chemical
research that had been given very little attention in the past and
this research contributed to a better understanding of the kinetics
of chemical reactions.
The liquid propellant JATO unit
group, consisting of Summerfield, Powell and E.G. Crofut,
incorporated the RFNA-aniline combination into a revised design. It
was found that performance specifications established for the 100 lb.
thrust motor using the storable propellants could be met by an
injector with only four pairs of impinging streams ; For the A-20A
flight tests, no attempt was made to produce a lightweight unit but
rather effort was concentrated on reliability and safety. The tail
surfaces of the aircraft were estimated to be high enough to clear
exhaust jets when the motors were mounted in the nacelle tail cones,
where there was also sufficient space for the two propellants tanks
and flow control valves. Standard commercial nitrogen tanks and
pressure regulators were installed in the fuselage together with
controls for starting and stopping the units, operable by a mechanic
in the rear gunners cockpit upon instructions from the
42. A view of the
installation in one of the nacelles is shown in figure 14. The motor
was mounted on slides and provided with hydraulic jacks, so that if
an explosion separated the exhaust nozzle block, the remainder of the
motor would not impose too great a shock on the aircraft nacelle
The two JATO units performed
satisfactorily during 44 successive firings on the A-20A. The
propellant control valves, which were hydraulically operated, and the
check valves gave the most trouble. The check valves were removed at
an early stage of ground testing. We had some malicious satisfaction
when one of the conventional piston engines on the A-20A developed
mechanical trouble and delayed the test program for two days. The
highly successful tests of our experimental JATO units during the
flight tests led the AAF to place a contract for the production of
service-type units at the Aerojet Engineering Corporation the newly
formed companys first contract (cf. Section VIII). The Project,
meantime, resumed basic research on rocket engine
Figure 14
View of the RFNA-aniline
JATO Engine Installed in
One of the Nacelles of
A-20A Airplane
Engine Research with Various
Liquid Propellants after the A-20A Flight Tests
I prepared a review of
developments in liquid propellant jet (rocket) propulsion at the
Project and at Aerojet for a special meeting of the Office of
Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) in Washington D.C. on
February 17, 1944
43. It will be
noted from the title of the report that at this time the term "
rocket " in parenthesis, was used. The term was being rehabilitated
in technical and military circles in the U.S.A. for the first time
since the nineteenth century, when rifled guns replaced military
rocket missiles. On the other hand, there was still general
resistance to mentioning the use of rockets for space research and
exploration, and none is made in the report, even though we were
already reviving the studies we had interrupted in 1939.
comprehensive memorandum on the state and direction of development of
liquid propellant rocket motors by the Project and by other groups
was prepared by Seifert and me for the May 29, 1945 meeting of the
Coordinating Committee of the Guided Missile Program a the request of
the Ordnance Department of the Army Service Forces
An idea of the range of
research on liquid propellant rocket motors and other engine
components that was undertaken by the project at the end of the
period covered in this memoir can be obtained from the following
headings of Monthly Summary n°1-54 ; 1 to 30 November 1946 .
(Research on
solid propellant rocket engines was taken over by the ORDCIT Project
beginning on 1 July 1944) :
A. Fundamental
1. New
(i) Performance with
Liquid oxygen
(i) Performance with
(i) WFNA-Furfuryl
2. Investigation and
development of new materials
a. Survey of the physical
properties of ceramic materials
b. Development of ceramic
materials for use as turbine blades
c. Preparation and
properties of refractory chamber lines
d. Development of porous
materials for sweat cooling
3. Temperature measurement
and heat-transfer analysis
B. Engineering
1. Injector and chamber
a. Effect of injectors on
performance, ignition and heat transfer (with
2. Motor-cooling
a. Film-cooling (with acid and
3. Hydraulic
a. Characteristics of rocket
(i) Atomization
(ii) Fluid metering
The same monthly summary
contained a financial report showing that out of $944,000.00
available that year from research from the AAF, an estimated
$954,211,52 had been spent ! I do not remember who flew to the Air
Material Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, to get more money, but
it was obtained. I was then preparing for my two-year leave of
absence from Caltech to go to Paris to work for international
scientific cooperation at UNESCO, and I was turning over
responsibility for the direction of JPL to my successor, Louis G.
Dunn. As I write this memoir twenty-five years later, I am still in
France, where I have been occupied since 1953 with non-governmental
international cooperation in astronautics and visual fine
Propellant Feed Systems.
The following types of feed systems were studied by the Project; the
gas pressure feed system using stored air or nitrogen in tanks at
around 200 p.s.i. and using gas generators ; centrifugal pumps with
various drives ; and the Centrojet principle proposed by
46. The system
using stored gas becomes excessively heavy if thrust durations
exceeding about 60 seconds are required, and if combustion pressures
higher than 300 p.s.i. are desired to obtain better specific impulse.
The idea of providing gas at pressure by means of a chemical reaction
to replace storage tanks however, a practical system was not achieved
by the end of 1946
In 1942, the Project began the
development of high speed centrifugal pumps. A satisfactory 10,000
r.p.m. aniline pump delivering 20 gallons per minute at 900 p.s.i.
was developed in 1943. The construction of a nitric acid pump proved
to be much more difficult because of the special materials this
oxidizer requires. Drives such as electric motors and gas turbines
were also investigated
The project undertook to test
for Aerojet, during the Summer of 1943, two unusual proposals for
supplying propellant to a long-duration rocket motor (30 minutes at
idling thrust, 5 minutes at full thrust). The first would obtain pump
drive from rotating rocket motors mounted so that a component of
thrust would be made available for delivering torque - the system was
called a Rotojet. .The second used the principle of the
Rotojet with a built-in centrifugal pump. A single combustion chamber
was equipped with multiple angled exhaust nozzles. Cooling passages
around the chamber walls served as pumping ducts when the whole
assembly rotated --the system was called a Centrojet..
Summerfield, at that time on leave from the Project, supervised the
program at Aerojet. He believed that these systems were mainly the
result of the interaction of the minds of William Van Dorn and
Waldemar Mayer. It was decided to try them after a committee that
included von Karman and Tsien asserted that they were the lightest
and most efficient approaches, after reviewing a series of analytical
studies of competitive schemes. (These included : gasoline-engine
driven pumps, a gas turbine drive, a propellant steam jet pump, a
direct combustion gas pressurization scheme, etc. The surviving
scheme today is the propellant gas turbine drive. It was used
successfully first by the German V-2 group in 1938 but this was not
known to us.) Models of the Rotojet and Centrojet were constructed,
but tests showed that, although the two systems worked in principle,
the mechanical difficulties encountered were so great that there was
little hope for them in practice
I pointed out earlier that the
program of the Project was to develop solid and/or liquid propellant
rocket engines for application to the " superperformance " of
landplanes, including rocket assisted take-off , and abnormally large
accelerations and increased flight velocities or rates of climb for
only short periods of time. The program was launched on the basis of
preliminary studies of the validity of using rocket engines for these
50. C.B. Millikan
and H.J. Stewart in January 1941 made a detailed analysis of the
effect of auxiliary rocket propulsion on landplane
51. A
supplementary analysis was made by C.F. Fleischer, a Navy Officer,
for his GALCIT masters thesis
52. The
predictions made by these analyses awaited experimental
Ercoupe Flight Tests With
Solid Propellant JATO Units
A message was sent to the
Air Corps in the spring of 1941 that we were ready for flight tests
of an aircraft equipped with solid propellant JATOs each
delivering around 28 lb. thrust for about 12 seconds (cf. Section
III). The Air Material Command selected the Ercoupe-low-wing
monoplane, bearing the designation YO-55, for the tests and selected
Homer A. Boushey, Jr. (then a Captain) as the test pilot. Boushey in
1941 was doing graduate work at GALCIT and also acted as liaison
officer between the AAF and the Project. An analysis of the
performance and flight characteristics of the Ercoupe and of the
manner of installing multiple JATO units designed by the Project was
made by C.F. Damberg and P.H. Dane of the Army Air Corps, as their
GALCIT masters thesis
The Ercoupe was flown from
Dayton, Ohio to March Field, California, at the end of July 1941,
where modifications were made for installing the JATOs. The flight
test group consisted of the following : (Project personnel) J.W.
Parsons, E.S. Forman, F.S. Miller and myself, as director of the
tests ; (AAF personnel) Capt. H.A. Boushey, Jr., Capt. R. Hamilton
and Pvt. Kobe (figure 15). Von Karman and C.B. Millikan joined the
group at various stages of the program and some of the tests were
witnessed by W.F. Durant, Chairman of N.A.C.A. Jet Propulsion
Committee, and Fischer of the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy
A front view of the Ercoupe is
shown in figure 16 with three JATOs installed under the wing of each
side of the fuselage (cf. Figure 11) Each JATO was mounted on
fuselage, ripping a 10 in. hole in the skin and shearing a bulkhead.
The combustion chamber flew about 100 ft. ahead of the airplane
before hitting the ground. Some damage was also done to the
attachment installation. The report on the flight
55 contains the
following laconic comment : " The pilot deserves credit for his
willingness to continue flight tests as soon as the airplane was
repaired ". Much to everyones relief there were no further
explosive failures of the JATOs for the remainder of the test program
during which 152 units were fired.
Figure 16
Front View of Ercoupe
With Three JATOs Attached
Under Each
On August 16, 1941,
Boushey made the first take-off of the Ercoupe with six JATOs firing.
A view of a take-off is shown in figure 17. The salient results of
the test program are summarized in Table 1. They were found to be in
reasonable agreement with the theoretical predictions made by
Millikan and Stewart. It will be noted that the use of JATOs reduced
the take-off of the Ercoupe by about one-half of the distance
normally required. The flight characteristics of the airplane were
not significantly affected.
Figure 17
View of Ercoupe Take-Off
By Six JATO Units

The first American manned
flight of an aircraft propelled by rocket thrust alone was made by
Boushey on August 23, 1941 (figure 18). The propeller of the Ercoupe
was removed and 12 JATO units installed, however, only 11 functioned.
The Ercoupe was pulled by a truck to a speed of about 25 m.p.h.
before the JATOs were ignited. The airplane left the ground and
reached an altitude of about 20 ft
56.This flight
was not originally scheduled but we could not resist the opportunity
to make the improvised demonstration of a future possibility of
rocket propulsion.
Figure 18
View of Ercoupe About To
Take-Off With
Rocket Propulsion
A-20A Flight Tests With
Liquid Propellant JATO Units
We anticipated the flight
tests of the RFNA-aniline rocket JATOs on the A-20A airplane with a
degree of confidence, for we had gained much experience during the
flight tests of the solid propellant JATOs on the Ercoupe.
Nevertheless, with the lives of the pilot and the JATO operator in
our hands, we proceeded with caution. The A-20A, after certain
structural reinforcements had been made by the AAF Aircraft
Laboratory at Wright Field, was flown by Major P.H. Dane to Lockheed
Airport, Burbank, California, in March 1942. Here the JATOs were
installed, whereupon the airplane was flown to the U.S. Air Force
Bombing and Gunnery Range, Muroc, California
57. The only
difficulty that we encountered occurred during the first static tests
; the unit in the starboard-side nacelle failed to deliver rated
thrust. After several days of bafflement we found that the fault lay
in the check valves of the propellant lines, which were thereupon
eliminated in both units as unessential
The principal members of the
flight test groups were the following ; (Project personnel) M.
Summerfield, W.B. Powell, E.G. Crofut, B.M. Forman, R. Terbeck and
the author, director of the tests ; (AAF personnel) Major P.H. Dane,
M.G. Cassell and L.A. Brady and (Civil Aeronautics Administration)
E.N. Fales, J. Matulaitis and N.N. Rubin. Key personnel in charge of
the flight tests are shown in figures 19 and 20, and the pilot and
JATO operator in figure 21. Von Karman and C.B. Millikan joined the
Project group during parts of the program and Fischer observed some
of the flight tests for the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics.
Figure 19
Personnel in Charge of A-20A
Flight Tests
(left to right) M.
F.J. Malina, W.B.
Major Paul H. Dane
Th. Von Karman
The take-off tests were made
from the bed of Muroc Dry Lake, on which a stripe 3 ft. wide and
12,000 ft. long had been laid out to guide the pilot. Fischer flew in
from his Navy base at San Diego, California, in the midst of the
take-off tests one morning when von Karman joined us. He asked von
Karman if he would like to see the equipment in the cockpit of a
modern Navy fighter. Those of us who knew von Karmans
reputation for leaving experimental apparatus in a mess after
visiting a laboratory wondered aloud if Fischers invitation was
a wise one. Von Karman climbed into the cockpit, and Fischer
explained the purpose of the various instruments while I stood on the
lower wing and watched. Von Karman pointed at a handle by his foot
and, as he asked what it was for, pulled the lever. I heard a crash
behind me on the wing and scampered away from the airplane. When I
looked back I saw a balloon under each tip of the upper wing slowly
descend and inflate -- von Karman had released the water floatation
gear. Fischer exclaimed " My Lord, how will I explain this at my base
-- floatation gear activated in a desert ! " We often wondered what
story he told to his superiors to explain his desert floatation
Figure 20
A-20A Flight Test
The first JATO assisted
take-off of the A-20A was made on the afternoon of April 15, 1942. A
view of a take-off is shown in figure 22. During the flight tests the
JATOs were fired 44 successive times without failure (cf. Section V).
The principal results of the tests are summarized in Table II. They
were found to be in good agreement with theoretical
59. The take-off
distance, under various loading conditions, was reduced by about 30%.
The flight characteristics of the airplane were not significantly
Figure 21
Major P.H. Dane, Pilot,
and B.M. Forman, JATO
Operator, During A-20A
Flight Tests
Two tests were also made to
measure the increase of indicated air speed in level flight with the
JATOs ignited. At 5,000 ft., the speed increased from 252 to 300
m.p.h. or 19% and at 10,000 ft. From 239 to 280 m.p.h. or 17.2% The
gross weight of the airplane was about 18,000 lb.

Figure 22
View of A-20A Take-Off Assisted
by 2 JATO Units
Qualitative experiments of
rocket motors fired under water, made in the autumn of 1942, were
reported upon by R.B. Canright. It was found that a RFNA-aniline
motor started satisfactorily when submerged under 9 in. of water,
even when water filled the motor and part of the propellant lines.
Solid propellant units were tested when submerged at depths from 2 to
6 ft. of water in the lake formed at Morris Dam, California. The
results showed that these engines could be operated under water as
JATOs for flying boats and for the propulsion of torpedoes. A patent
for the application of rocket propulsion to water-borne vehicles was
granted to Summerfield and the author
60. The Armament
Laboratory of the AAF Air Technical Service Command at Wright Field,
upon hearing of these tests, requested the project to submit a
proposal for development of a " hydrobomb ". It was to be an
air-launched torpedo, but, in order to circumvent the monopoly held
by the Navy for the development of torpedoes, the AAF decided to call
it by a different name. Propulsion of the missile was to start after
it entered the water.
Von Karman and I, in a
memorandum dated February 20, 1943, proposed the design, construction
and operation of a towing channel for underwater rocket propulsion
61. The proposal
also included research on the design of a hydrobomb. When we
explained the proposal to General Chidlow in Washington D.C. this
comment was : " The next time you come to see me you will want money
to put rockets on my swivel chair ". The proposal was accepted by the
Armament Laboratory, and the work carried their designation : Project
MX 363. Our designation for the work was GALCIT Project n°2. An
underwater Propulsion Section was established and placed in the
charge of Dunn, who in 1944 became Assistant Director of JPL. Under
Dunns supervision, the towing channel or hydrodynamic tank was
built. It had a length of 500 ft. , a width of 12 ft., and a depth of
16 ft. (figure 23). The towing carriage was, at my suggestion, to be
driven by a controllable RFNA-aniline engine delivering a maximum
thrust of around 3,000 lb. to give a carriage speed of around 40
Figure 23 :
Drawing of Hydrodynamic Tank
The engine for this first
rocket-propelled car in the U.S.A. was designed by Powell and
63. The engine
had three 1,000 lb. motors and a gas pressure propellant supply
system. One memorable day in 1943 I was invited to watch a static
test of the engine mounted in the completed towing carriage (figure
24). George Emmerson, our brave photographer, and I posted ourselves
to the rear and to one side of the carriage. We heard the order to
fire the engine and to our horror, almost immediately saw one of the
combustion chambers of a motor fly past us and flame envelop the
carriage. The carriage, in a matter of seconds, was a burned out
wreck because a violently " hard start " of the engine not only
separated the parts of one of the motors but also broke the lines of
the spontaneously ignitable propellant components. The carriage and
the engine, with modifications, were rebuilt and used successfully
during the preliminary phase of hydrobomb development. The rocket
engine was later replaced by a n electric motor drive that provided
easier control of carriage speed. It is to be regretted that the
first rocket propelled car was not saved, as it was the predecessor
of rocket-propelled sleds now used for high speed
Figure 24
Static Test of
Rocket-Propelled Towing Car
Two different prototype models
of a hydrobomb were built by 1946 for the AAF : one by the
Westinghouse Manufacturing Company and one by the United Shoe
Machinery Company . The prototype by the latter company was about 10
ft. long with a maximum diameter of 28 in. Designed to be launched at
speeds up to 350 m.p.h. and to travel under water at 70 m.p.h., the
missile was driven by a solid-propellant rocket unit delivering 2,200
lb. thrust for 30 sec. The range of the missile was 1,000 yd ; gross
weight was 3,200 lb. with a warhead weight of 1,250 lb.
The primary tasks were to
obtain, on half-scale models, their hydrodynamic characteristics, the
effect of rocket propulsion upon stability and performance, and the
effect of the rocket Jet upon cavitation. A special solid propellant
and motor were designed by the Project for the full-scale hydrobomb
that would withstand water impact when the missile was launched up to
speeds of 400 m.p.h. Launching tests were made at The Torpedo
Launching Range developed by Caltech, for the Navy at Morris Dam,
It became evident in
1941, following the successful flight tests of the Ercoupe and with
good progress being made in the development of a liquid-propellant
JATO, that steps would soon have to be taken for the production of
JATOs for the Air Force and the Navy. Caltech, being an institution
of education and basic research, did not appear to us to be
appropriate for undertaking engineering development and production on
a large scale ; Furthermore, I shared the option of Parsons and
Forman that after the efforts we had made during the previous five
years we should participate in the exploitation of our ideas. I
proposed to von Karman in September 1941 that we try to initiate the
production phase of rocket engines and found him sympathetic. He
pointed out that since he and I were members of the faculty of
Caltech, there probably would be objections made to our becoming
businessmen and there certainly were some. Robert A. Millikan , with
his usual broad outlook, expressed concern as to whether we could
manage a commercial organization successfully.
To minimize these objectives,
the first plan to try to get an existing aircraft company to set up a
rocket engine division, with a special arrangement for our
participation in its work and in the sharing of profits. Von Karman
describes in some detail in his autobiography
65 these
unsuccessful efforts. Leaders of the aircraft industry in Southern
California foresaw no future for rocket propulsion ! Then, upon the
counsel of Andrew G. Haley, von Karmans attorney, we decided to
found a company of our own, after a favorable discussion of the idea
with General Frank C. Carroll at Wright Field
66. The Aerojet
Engineering Corporation, now called the Aerojet-General Corporation,
was organized at the end of 1941 and formally incorporated on March
19,1942, with the following officers : von Karman, President and
Director ; Malina, Treasurer and Director ; Haley, Secretary and
Director ; Parsons, Forman and Summerfield, vice-presidents. Our
first capital contribution to the company amounted to $200 each.
Those of us who held patents assigned them to the company.
It was no easy matter to decide
who of those connected with the Project should be invited to join us
in the venture. After the company was underway, C.B. Millikan
especially felt left out. A year later we decided to offer him some
shares for purchase, which he bought, and then he actively aided with
the development of the company. Parsons, Summerfield and Forman, by
the end of 1942, spent much of their time at Aerojet, assisting with
the transition from the experimental stage to pilot scale and to
full-scale production of solid and liquid propellant JATO units. In
September, Haley took over as president of the company and von Karman
and I again concentrated our efforts on the continually expanding
program at the JPL Air Corps Project.
This changeover was prompted,
in part, by the attitude of the AAF to our becoming businessmen. Von
Karman has the following story in his autobiography
67. We received
word from Wright Field that the Air Force had decided not to renew
the first contract of Aerojet for liquid-propellant JATOs. Somewhat,
annoyed, he and I flew to Washington D.C. to find out what was wrong.
Our old friend, General Ben Chidlaw told him in no uncertain terms
the following : " We like you very much, Doctor, but only in
cap and gown to advise us what to do in science. The derby hat of the
businessman does not benefit you. "
The problem of " hats " haunted
us during the next years. At this time, von Karman and I were
actually alternating three hats - we were on the staff at Caltech, at
the governmentally-owned JPL operated by Caltech, as well as officers
of Aerojet. And von Karman had several other hats; for example, he
was retained as a consultant by the Northrop Aircraft Company. The
more strenuous objections to possibilities of our having conflicting
interests, however, were soft-pedalled because there were so few
qualified persons in the country to deal with the required expansion
of rocket propulsion development and production. Close technical
liaison was maintained between the Project and Aerojet until 1944
when the General Tire and Rubber Company bought a majority interest
in Aerojet from the founder shareholders. This sale was forced upon
us because, as the government told us, we had by then the lowest
ratio of invested capital to contracts of any company in the country.
Thereafter, the company concentrated more and more on production
rather than development and its relations with JPL became more and
more tenuous.
In 1943, von Karman
organized at Caltech for the AAF Material Command, the first graduate
course in jet propulsion engineering in the U .S.A., utilizing the
staffs at GALCIT and JPL. The course, at first, was limited to
officers of the Army and Navy, but later opened to selected civilian
students. Lectures in the course were collected in 1946 by the Air
Technical Service Command under the title " Jet Propulsion
68. The 199-page
volume was edited by Tsien and contained contributions from ; P.
Chambre, J.V. Charyk, L.G. Dunn, A. Hollander, N. Kaplan, Th. Von
Karman, F.J. Malina, C.B. Millikan, M.M. Mills, A.J. Phelan, W.D.
Rannie, H.S. Seifert, H.J. Stewart, R.F. Tangren and H.S.
This volume exhibits,
especially, the great progress made between 1939 and 1946 in the
U.S.A. in the development of jet propulsion engines of various types
on a firm scientific basis. The popular conception has been built up
that developments during this period in Nazi Germany far outdistanced
American results of research on the fundamentals on rocket
propulsion. That conception is false, for when we studied German
developments after the war, we found that, as far as liquid
propellant rocket engines were concerned, they had more experience
only with the practical aspects of large-thrust LOX engines.
Developments in the U.S.A. to worship prophets from afar was well
demonstrated in the case of rocket propulsion developments during
this period , with some unhappy historical effects.
The approaching end of World
War II posed serious policy decisions for Caltech as regards JPL.
Some of the problems were brought to the fore by von Karman in a
memorandum he prepared in 1944 for the consideration of the Caltech
Trustees on the possibilities of the establishment of a Jet
Propulsion Laboratory owned by Caltech
69. Von Karman
succeeded in convincing Caltech to accept the ORDCIT contract with
the Ordnance Department, with concurrence of the AAF, to initiate the
first research program on long-range rocket missiles in the
70. He was,
however, also concerned with the post-war future of jet propulsion
research on a permanent basis. He wrote : " It has now become known
that one of the great changes in aviation equipment introduced by
wartime research will consist in the use of jet propulsion as motive
power. The present jet propulsion equipment is yet of a rather crude
nature. However, certain very definite results have been obtained and
promise wide possibilities of application both in military and
civilian aviation ".
Von Karman, Summerfield, Tsien
and the author performed a comparative study of jet propulsion
systems as applied to missiles and transonic aircraft during the
winter of 1944. We compared solid and liquid propellant rocket
engines, and thermal jet engines such as the aeropulse, ramjet, and
turbojet for various applications
71. Under the
contracts with the AAF and the Ordnance Department, the Laboratory
soon involved itself with research on the full spectrum of jet
propulsion engines. What is more, JPL became the largest single
operation to be administered by Caltech. The work I initiated with
the GALCIT Rocket Research Project in 1936 had blossomed within eight
years into a major activity of the Institute. The many problems
arising from a private educational and research institution
administrating large scale research for the government and for
military applications after the war, ranging from using the staff of
Caltech on such research, to allowing its staff members to become
involved in industry, and to introducing within the curriculum the
subject of jet propulsion engines, were all upon us.
Von Karman took a leave of
absence from Caltech at the end of 1944 to establish the AAF
Scientific Advisory Group in Washington D.C.
72. During 1945,
I devoted more and more time to the problem of the Caltech-JPL
relationship. I submitted, in November 1945, a memorandum on the
future of jet propulsion research at Caltech
73. My primary
objective was to assure the survival of JPL , within the structure of
the Institute. To this end, I proposed that the Institute establish a
Department of Jet Propulsion Engineering, with its own funds, and
that JPL be operated as a government facility under the new
department. The starting point of the department would have been the
graduate Jet Propulsion Course begun in 1943. Although the proposals
I submitted were not adopted in the way I envisaged, jet propulsion
engineering education and research were added to Caltechs
program, and JPL continued with somewhat more tenuous link to the
At a meeting of the Society for
the Promotion of Engineering Education at Berkeley, California on
February 22,1946
74, I discussed
the affect upon engineering education of jet propulsion and the
beginnings of astronautics, and concluded with the following
statement : " It appears that jet propulsion developments have
served, in some measure, to increase the present pressure for a
careful evaluation of the curricula and general spirit of engineering
education. The need for men trained as research engineers to aid in
bridging the gap between scientific research and useful application
of new knowledge of nature has been critically appreciated by those
given the responsibility for carrying out difficult phases of an
urgently needed development during the war. "
I look forward to the
opportunity of presenting at a future symposium of the International
Academy of Astronautics my third and last Jet Propulsion Laboratory
memoir. It will deal with the ORDCIT Project, from its inception in
1944 to the end of 1946. It was the first long-range rocket missile
research undertaken in the U.S.A. and it also permitted resumption of
rocket research for space exploration initiated at Caltech in
The help I received from Martin
Summerfield and Walter B. Powell on technical parts of this memoir,
and from George Emerson in collecting photographs, is highly
1 .
Presented at Third History Symposium of the International Academy of
Astronautics, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October 1969.
2 .
Co-Founder and Director (1944-1946) of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology. Trustee-Past President,
International Academy of Astronautics.
3. F.J.
Malina, " Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936-38, "
Proc. Ist Int. Symp. On the History of Astronautics, Int. Academy of
Astronautics (Washington D.C. ; Smithsonian Institution, 1971). Also
abridged version of Engineering and Science, (Caltech) 31,
4 .
Although the designation JPL was used for the first time in 1944, the
work of JPL is considered to include rocket research at Caltech by
the Galcit Rocket Research Group from 1936 onwards.
5 .
F.J. Malina, Excerpts from letters written home between 1936 and 1946
6 .
F.J. Malina , " Origins and First Decade of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory ", in The History of Rocket Technology, Ed. E.M.
Emme (Detroit : Wayne State Univ. Press, 1964) p.46. Also in
Spaceflight 6, 160 and 193 (1964) ; Th. Von Karman with L.
Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston Little, Brown and
7 .
F.J. Malina, " The Rocket Motor and its Application as an Auxialiary
to the Power Plants of Conventional Aircraft ", GALCIT-Rocket Res.
Proj., Rep. N° 2, 24 August 1938.
8 .
F.J. Malina, Report on Jet Propulsion for the National Academy of
Sciences Committee on Air Corps Research, JPL Rep.Misc. N°
1, 21 Dec. 1938 (Unpublished).
9. Th.
Von Karman with L. Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston Little,
Brown and Co.,1967)
10 .
F.J. Malina, Excerpts from letters written home between 1936 and 1946
11 .
See Irene Sänger-Bredt, " Memoir : The Silver Bird Story and the
Development of the Aerospace Transporter ", in this volume -
F.J. Malina, Doctor's Thesis, Calif. Inst. Of Tech., 1940 ;
F.J.Malina " Characteristics of the Rocket Motor Unit Based on the
Theory of Perfect Gases, " J. Franklin Institute, 230, 433
F.J. Malina, " Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936-38,
" Proc. Ist Int. Symp. On the History of Astronautics, Int. Academy
of Astronautics (Washington D.C. ; Smithsonian Institution, 1971).
Also abridged version of Engineering and Science, (Caltech) 31,
F.J. Malina, Doctor's Thesis, Calif. Inst. Of Tech., 1940 ; F.J.
Malina, J.W. Parsons and E.S. Forman, Final Report for 1939-40,
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.1-3, 15 June 1940 (Unpublished).
15 . "
Jet Propulsion " , Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL- GALCIT, 1946. A
reference text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical
Laboratory and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command
16 .
H. S. Seifert, M. M. Mills and M. Summerfield, " The Physics of
Rockets ", Amer.J. Physics 15, 1 and 121 (1947).
17 .
18 . "
Jet Propulsion " , Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL- GALCIT, 1946. A
reference text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical
Laboratory and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command
(unpublished) ; and see note 18.
19 .
F.J. Malina, J.W. Parsons and E.S. Forman, Final Report for 1939-40,
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.1-3, 15 June 1940 (Unpublished).
.Th. Von Karman and F.J. Malina, " Characteristics of the Ideal Solid
Propellant Rocket Motor, " JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-4, 1 Dec. 1940
(Unpublished) ; Collected Works of Theodore von Karman, Vol.
IV, (London : Butterworth Scientific Pub. 1956), p.64.
21. M.
Summerfield, W.B. Powell and E.G. Crofut, " Development of a Liquid
Propellant Jet Unit and its Operation on an A-20A Airplane ",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-13, 14 Sept. 1942 ; W.B. Powell, "
Design and Test Results on an Uncooled 1000 lb. Thrust Liquid
Propellant Jet Motor, " JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-17, 20 July
1943 (Unpublished).
22 . "
Jet Propulsion ", Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A reference
text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command (Unpublished);
H.S. Seifert, " Development of Regeneratively Cooled Liquid
Propellant Jet Motors ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-19, 31
July 1943
23 .
Th. Von Karman with L. Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston
Little, Brown and Co.,1967).
24 .
N. Kaplan and R.J. Andrus, "Corrosion of Metals in Red Fuming Nitric
Acid ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-16, 1 May 1943
(Unpublished) ; M.M. Mills, " A Study of Materials for Jet Motor
Exhaust Nozzles ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-18, 29 Aug. 1943
25 .
JPL Monthly Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the
Years 1942 to 1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; Conferences
Minutes on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for 1944,
JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished).
26 . "
Bible " of the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, Collected Papers by
F.J. Malina, H.S. Tsien, J.W. Parsons, A.M.O. Smith and W. Bollay,
Calif. Inst. Of Tech, June 1937 (Unpublished).
27 .
F.J. Malina and J.W. Parsons " Reaction Motor Operable by Liquid
Propellants and Method of Operating it," U.S. Patent n°
2,573,471, applied for 8 may 1943 and granted 30 october
JPL Monthly Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the
Years 1942 to 1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; Conferences
Minutes on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for 1944,
JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; M. Weissbluth " Development of
Gasoline-Liquid Oxygen Rocket Motors with Special Emphasis on
Regenerative Cooling ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep.n° 1-26, 1 Sept.
1944 (Unpublished).
29 .
M. Weissbluth, N. Kaplan, B.H. Sage, E.W. Hough and J. Green , " A
study of the Nitromethane-Oxygen Combination as a Rocket Propellant,
" JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-22, 15 Oct. 1944 (Unpublished
30 .
JPL Monthly Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the
Years 1942 to 1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished).
F.J. Malina, " Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936-38,
" Proc. Ist Int. Symp. On the History of Astronautics, Int. Academy
of Astronautics (Washington D.C. ; Smithsonian Institution, 1971).
Also abridged version of Engineering and Science, (Caltech) 31,
32 .
F.J. Malina, J.W. Parsons and E.S. Forman, Final Report for 1939-40,
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.1-3, 15 June 1940 (Unpublished) ; Th. Von Karman and
F.J. Malina, " Characteristics of the Ideal Solid Propellant Rocket
Motor, " JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-4, 1 Dec. 1940
33 .
F.J. Malina and J.W. Parsons, " Results of Flight Tests of the
Ercoupe Airplane with Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Supplied by Solid
Propellant Jet Units ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-9, 2 Sept. 1941
34 .
F.J. Malina and J.W. Parsons, " Results of Flight Tests of the
Ercoupe Airplane with Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Supplied by Solid
Propellant Jet Units ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-9, 2 Sept. 1941
J.W. Parsons and M.M. Mills, " The Development of an Asphalt Base
Solid Propellant ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-15, 16 Oct.
1942 (Unpublished).
36 .
J.W. Parsons and M.M. Mills , " Progress Report on the Development of
200 lb.Thrust Solid Propellant Jet Units for the Bureau of
Aeronautics ", Navy Department, JPL-GALCIT, Prog. Rep. 1-1, 30
Aug. 1942.
37 .
F.J. Malina and J.W. Parsons, " Results of Flight Tests of the
Ercoupe Airplane with Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Supplied by Solid
Propellant Jet Units ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-9, 2 Sept. 1941
38 .
J.W. Parsons and M.M. Mills , " Progress Report on the Development of
200 lb.Thrust Solid Propellant Jet Units for the Bureau of
Aeronautics ", Navy Department, JPL-GALCIT, Prog. Rep. 1-1, 30
Aug. 1942 ; F.J. Malina and M.M. Mills, Motor, U .S. Patent n°
2,400,242, applied for 15 July 1943 and granted 14 May
F.J. Malina, " Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936-38,
" Proc. Ist Int. Symp. On the History of Astronautics, Int. Academy
of Astronautics (Washington D.C. ; Smithsonian Institution, 1971).
Also abridged version of Engineering and Science, (Caltech) 31,
40 . "
Jet Propulsion ", Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A reference
text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command (Unpublished);
H.S. Seifert, " Development of Regeneratively Cooled Liquid
Propellant Jet Motors ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-19, 31
July 1943.
41 .
F.J. Malina and M.M. Mills, Motor, U .S. Patent n° 2,400,242,
applied for 15 July 1943 and granted 14 May 1946 ; F.J. Malina , "
Origins and First Decade of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ", in
The History of Rocket Technology, Ed. E.M. Emme (Detroit : Wayne
State Univ. Press, 1964) p.46. Also in Spaceflight 6, 160 and
193 (1964)
42 .
M. Summerfield, W.B. Powell and E.G. Crofut, " Development of a
Liquid Propellant Jet Unit and its operation on an A-20A Airplane ",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-13, 14 Sept. 1942 ; F.J. Malina, "
Take-off and Flight Performance of an A-20A Airplane as Affected by
Auxiliary Propulsion Supplied by Liquid Propellant Jet Units, "
JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-12, 30 June 1942.
43 .
F.J. Malina, " A review of Developments in Liquid Propellant Jet
(Rocket) Propulsion at the ACJP Project and the Aerojet Engineering
Corporation", JPL-GALCIT, Mis. Rep. N° 3, 17 Feb. 1944
44 .
F.J. Malina and H.S. Seifert, " The Liquid Propellant Rocket Motor -
Present Status and Direction of Development, JPL-GALCIT,
Memorandum N° 4-7, 28 Aug. 1945 (Unpublished).
45 .
JPL Monthly Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the
Years 1942 to 1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished).
46 . "
Jet Propulsion ", Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A reference
text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command (Unpublished);
H.S. Seifert, " Development of Regeneratively Cooled Liquid
Propellant Jet Motors ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-19, 31
July 1943 ; F.J. Malina, " A review of Developments in Liquid
Propellant Jet (Rocket) Propulsion at the ACJP Project and the
Aerojet Engineering Corporation", JPL-GALCIT, Mis. Rep.
N° 3, 17 Feb. 1944 (Unpublished).
47 .
Conferences Minutes on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for 1944,
JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; J.W. Parsons and M.M. Mills , "
Progress Report on the Development of 200 lb.Thrust Solid Propellant
Jet Units for the Bureau of Aeronautics ", Navy Department,
JPL-GALCIT, Prog. Rep. 1-1, 30 Aug. 1942 ; " Jet Propulsion ",
Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A reference text prepared by
the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory and JPL-GALCIT
for the Air Technical Service Command (Unpublished); JPL Monthly
Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the Years 1942 to
1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; Conferences Minutes on Air Corps
Jet Propulsion Research for 1944, JPL-GALCIT
48 .
JPL Monthly Summaries on Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research for the
Years 1942 to 1946, JPL-GALCIT (Unpublished) ; F.J. Malina, " A
review of Developments in Liquid Propellant Jet (Rocket) Propulsion
at the ACJP Project and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation",
JPL-GALCIT, Mis. Rep. N° 3, 17 Feb. 1944
49 . "
Jet Propulsion ", Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A
reference text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical
Laboratory and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command
(Unpublished); P.J. Meeks, " Tests of the Aerojet Power Plant for the
Aerojet Engineering Corporation ", JPL-GALCIT, Test.
Rep.N°1-6, 22 Feb. 1945 (Unpublished) ; C.R. Foster, " Tests of
the Centreojet Power Plant for the Aerojet Engineering Corporation",
JPL-GALCIT, Test Rep.N°1-15, 13 March 1945
50 .
F.J. Malina, " The Rocket Motor and its Application as an Auxialiary
to the Power Plants of Conventional Aircraft ", GALCIT-Rocket
Res. Proj., Rep. N° 2, 24 August 1938 ; F.J. Malina,
Report on Jet Propulsion for the National Academy of Sciences
Committee on Air Corps Research, JPL Rep.Misc. N° 1, 21 Dec.
1938 (Unpublished).
51 .
C.B. Millikan and H.J. Stewart, " Aerodynamic Analysis of Take-Off
and Initial Climb as Affected by Auxiliary Jet Propulsion ",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.1-15, 14 Jan.1941 (Unpublished).
52 .
C.F. Fischer, " Aerodynamic Analysis of Rate of Climb and Maximum
Level Speed as Affected by Auxiliary Jet Propulsion",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.N°1-17, 11 June 1941
53 .
C.F. Damberg and P.H. Dane, " Performance and Flight Characteristic
Analysis of the YO-55 (Ercoupe) Airplane with Auxiliary Jet
Propulsion Supplied by Solid Propellant Jet Units ",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-8, 7 June 1941
54 .
F.J. Malina and J.W. Parsons, " Results of Flight Tests of the
Ercoupe Airplane with Auxiliary Jet Propulsion Supplied by Solid
Propellant Jet Units ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. 1-9, 2 Sept. 1941
55 .
56 .
57 .
F.J. Malina, " Take-off and Flight Performance of an A-20A Airplane
as Affected by Auxiliary Propulsion Supplied by Liquid Propellant Jet
Units, " JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-12, 30 June 1942.
58 .
M. Summerfield, W.B. Powell and E.G. Crofut, " Development of a
Liquid Propellant Jet Unit and its operation on an A-20A Airplane ",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-13, 14 Sept. 1942
59 .
F.J. Malina, " Take-off and Flight Performance of an A-20A Airplane
as Affected by Auxiliary Propulsion Supplied by Liquid Propellant Jet
Units, " JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-12, 30 June 1942.
(Unpublished) ; C.B. Millikan and H.J. Stewart, " Aerodynamic
Analysis of Take-Off and Initial Climb as Affected by Auxiliary Jet
Propulsion ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep.1-15, 14 Jan.1941 (Unpublished)
; C.F. Fischer, " Aerodynamic Analysis of Rate of Climb and Maximum
Level Speed as Affected by Auxiliary Jet Propulsion",
JPL-GALCIT, Rep.N°1-17, 11 June 1941
60 .
F.J. Malina and M. Summerfield, System of Propulsion, U.S. Patent
N° 2,431,132, applied for 7 June 1943 and granted 18 Nov.
61 .
Th. Von Karman and F.J. Malina, " Memorandum on Design, Construction
and Operation of a Towing Channel for Under-Water Jet Propulsion
Research ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. JPL,Misc.N°2, 20 Feb. 1943
62 .
F. Denison, " Design of the Towing Carriage for the Towing Channel at
the ACJP Project", JPL-GALCIT, Rep.N° 2-1, 6 Nov. 1943
63 .
W.B. Powell, " Installation and Operation of the Rocket Unit for
Propulsion of the Hydrodynamic Tank Towing Carriage at the ACJP
Project ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N°2-2, 15 Aug.1944
64 .
J.V. Charyk, " A Preliminary Theoretical Calculation of a Propulsion
System for the Hydrobomb Unit ", JPL-GALCIT, Prog. Rep.
N° 2-2, 6 Nov. 1963 (Unpublished) ; M.M. Mills, " The
Preparation and Some Small Scale Rocket Unit Studies of an Asphalt
Base Solid Propellant " GALCIT 65, JPL-GALCIT, Prog.Rep.
N°2-3, 10 Aug.1944.
65 .
Th. Von Karman with L. Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston
Little, Brown and Co.,1967).
66 .
A.G. Haley, Rocketry and Space Exploration (Princeton : D. Van
Nostrand, 1958) p. 157.
67 .
Th. Von Karman with L. Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston
Little, Brown and Co.,1967).
68 . "
Jet Propulsion ", Ed. Hsue-Shen Tsien, JPL-GALCIT, 1946. A reference
text prepared by the staffs of the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
and JPL-GALCIT for the Air Technical Service Command (Unpublished);
H.S. Seifert, " Development of Regeneratively Cooled Liquid
Propellant Jet Motors ", JPL-GALCIT, Rep. N° 1-19, 31
July 1943.
Th. Von Karman, " Memorandum on the Possiblities of a Jet Propulsion
Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, 1944. "
70 .
Th. Von Karman, " Memorandum of the Possibilities of Long-range
Rocket Projectiles " and H.S. Tsien and F.J. Malina, " A review and
Preliminary Analysis of Long-range Rocket Projectiles ",
JPL-GALCIT, Memo. N°JPL-1, 20 Nov. 1943
71 .
Th. Von Karman with contributions from F.J Malina, M. Summerfield and
H.S. Tsien, " Comparative Study of Jet Propulsion Systems as Applied
to Missiles and Transonic Aircraft ", JPL-GALCIT, Memorandum
N° 2, 28 March 1944.
72 .
Th. Von Karman with L. Edson, The Wind and Beyond (Boston Little,
Brown and Co.,1967).
73 .
F.J. Malina, " Memorandum on the Future of Jet Propulsion Research at
the California Institute of Technology ", Nov.1945
74 .
F.J. Malina "Jet Propulsion- Its Effect upon Engineering Education ",
J. Eng. Educ. 37, 179 (1946).