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> DVD - CD
In this section, we list projects that have been published on CDs or DVDs. They are ordered according to the date of the release of the digital medium.
Mission Priviet, film directed by Raphael Frydman in The Eternals : Astropioneers, Diamondtraxx, 2004. DVD + CD. In French and English. http://www.diamondtraxx.com/
This hilarious video starts as a journalist report on some classified Soviet-Russian Mission. But, slowly, "weird" things occur to reveal, in the end, it was a fiction and a joke.
Story. I'm a Space Person, Film by Dana Ranga, produced by Peter Hintz, Good Idea Film, 2003
http://www.storythefilm.com - In English and German. (DVD, released in 2005)
Story Musgrave is an American astronaut. But not only that. He is also a mathematician, a computer programmer, a chemist, a physiologist, a surgeon, a pilot and a poet.
This extraordinary film is a documentary about his experience of -and thoughts about- space, the cosmos, and his life. Filmed in a closed up, constraint by the decor (a kind of translucide box) when he speaks about space or in open air in a forest when he talks about his life, Story Musgrave takes us in a journey about perception, feeling and experiencing life in a space vehicle.
Un voyage autour de la Terre, a documentary by Jean-Pierre Larcher based on images filmed from space by Jean-Pierre Haigneré, MK2, 2003 (DVD, released in 2005) - In French.
Jean-Pierre Haigneré is a Fench astronaut who spent 6 months in the MIR space station. This film, based on images of the earth he took while in space and on an interview where he is mostly filmed on a black background in a soft light recalls his approach and experience of outer space in an "intimate" view of the earth.
Aspect, The Chronicle of New Media Art, "On Location", Volume 6, 2005 (DVD). In English.
Aspect is a magazine on new media art published on DVD. Its 6th issue feature the work Collision II by artist Richard Clar with a music by composer Marc Battier together with a comment by curator Jean-Luc Soret. |
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