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GRACIE Andy, Art, Space and Hyperreality. An Artistic Exploration of Artificiality, Meaning and Boundaries within Astrobiological Practice, Leonardo, Vol. 49, n°1, pp.6-13, 2016

A dual exploration of scales both massive and minuscule has allowed the author to create artworks and experiments that combine cultures of microscopic organisms and ata from space probes and planetary landers. Meanwhile, a gradual increase in the author's laboratory practice has led to a familiarity with in vitro processes and a corresponding theoretical examination of their significance and place in the cultural milieu. Central to these developments in the author's practice has been the emergence of notions and understandings of simulation theory that unify both nature-technology relationships and ongoing work with organic and living materials. The author describes his artistic experiments with hybrid ecosystems, robotics, artificial intelligence, space exploration and astrobiology and the theads and themes that have persisted throughout them.


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