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MALINA ROGER F., Space Art; The Role of the Artist in Space Exploration, 40th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, IAA, 1989

The author discusses and defines seven types of Space Art. The mostfamiliar type is the work of space illustrators. The work of these artistshas been crucial in communicating the excitement of space and creating areceptive public willing to pay for space exploration. Of particular longterm importance are artworks in space made to be viewed from earth or fromspace. In this type of art the artist is an active participant and not justan observer of space exploration. There has been strong objections bysome space scientists to such types of space art. The author argues thatsuch artworks should be reviewed within the same connstraints as allother space artifacts. Given that very few space artworks will be createdbecause of the high cost, the regulatory framework should not seek to preventspace art, but to encourage it. The author reviews the few space artworksthat have been created to date, and some of the proposals for orbiting spacestructures visible to global audiences. He argues that the InternationalAcademy of Astronautics is uniquely well placed to take leadership in discussingtechnical aspects, space policy and social issues surrounding space art.


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