VAKOCH DOUGLAS A., The Dialogic Model: Representing Human Diversity in Messages to Extraterrestrials , Acta Astronautica, Vol.42, N°10-12, pp.705-710, 1998
A Dialogic Model of constructing a unified reply mesage is suggested in whichdifferences between perspectives are valued, rather than minimized. In thismodel, à diversity of views is seen as a virtue. Consensus in thebroad sense of agreeing to include multiple perspectives is encouraged, whileconsensus in the narrrow sense of everyone agreeing about all parts of themessage is seen as overly restrictive, if not impossible. In the DialogicModel, even perspectives that are irreconcilable with one another might beincluded in a single reply. Drawing upon multiple perspectives allows usto expand beyond our own preconceptions, gives extraterrestials several waysto understand our views of the world, and portrays the breadth of human concerns.
Seven benefits of beginning work on a reply message immediately are identified:(1) concretedly understanding the challenge of creating an adequate reply;(2) helping decode messages from extraterrestrials; (3) creating interstellarcompositions as new form of art; (4) having a reply ready in case we receivea message; (5) providing a sense of concrete accomplishment; (6) preparingfor an active search strategy; and (7) gaining public support for SETI.