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Flis HollandFlis Holland

Artist, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts


Biography : I practise depression and I'm trying to get worse at it. I'm a doctoral candidate at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, a Finn Brit, a slow writer. My short story Sigh-fi was published in Kontur journal's 'Decline' issue (link above). I spent 2019 developing an iterative performance 'Gravity doesn't keep you down I do', which culminated in a New York residency to research asteroid strike simulations.

Gravity doesn't keep you down I do

Abstract : My latest performance is a network of simulated disasters, self-harm and limited empathy. Revisiting my (short-lived) career as an engineer of asteroid defence systems, I link it to my current work on depression. Two wildly differing takes on what a crisis is, and what survival looks like.

Gravity doesn't keep you down I do
Gravity doesn't keep you down I do (2019), Kosminen, Helsinki. Photo credit: Helen Korpak


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