Biography :
Hélène Ben Aim Drieux is a "Maker". Whatever the issues that are entrusted to her, she provides end-to-end solutions. Expert, project manager, auditor, strategic plan manager, or space representative in a ministerial office ... enforced by 30 years of experience at CNES, she's been responsible for open innovation for 7 years. Hélène's Project COMET strengthens the skills and know-how of some 5000 experts in networks including 800 CNES engineers. The goal is to keep all of them at their highest technical levels, to face the current exponential increase of knowledge. Being pragmatic and collaborative, Helene implements frugal concrete solutions using the "test and learn" methodology. His motto: "the best is the enemy of good". Convinced of the richness of diversity, she is Chairwoman of the Paris group of "Women in Aerospace Europe".
Engineer (INSA 1984), PHD in Physics (INPT 1990), Auditor (IFACI, 1997), High military studies (SHEAR2000) Green Belt Lean (2017), trained facilitator and creative methods @LinkedIn H.BenAim - @COMET - @WIA-E
Prepare future space skills through open innovation
Abstract :
Preparing for the future today and staying an expert tomorrow are survival challenges for all hig-tech companies.
Space techniques do not escape this requirement of continuous evolution of its know-how to always go further beyond the limits of exploration
Thanks to social networks, the dissemination of knowledge becomes universal and within the reach of any brain ready to enrich it. Open source also allows everyone to be a source of innovation, which exponentially increases the speed of appearance of new materials, processes and uses: knowledge that you must capture, understand and adapt for our own needs
Through its experts networks in open innovation, CNES plans to benefit from the knowledge and feedback from large communities to maintain its highest level of expertise