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BATE Michael, Visual Pathfinders : The World of John Whitney, in Computer Music Journal, Cambridge, MIT Press, volume 11, number 1, 1978

BEAUVAIS Yann, Sur Digital Harmony, in Scratch, 1983

BECKER Léon, Synthetic Sound and Abstract Image, Hollywood Quatterly, volume 1 / n° 1, October 1945

BROWN Royal S., Overtones and UndertonesRreading Film Music, University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1994

CHION Michel, REIBEL Guy, Les musiques électroacoustiques, Paris, Ina / GRM, Edisud, 1976.

CURTIS David, Experimental Cinema, a Fifty-year Evolution, London, Studio Vista, 1971

L'art du mouvement, Collection cinématographique du musée national d'art moderne, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996

LANGLOIS Philippe, Dessiner les sons, in Musica Falsa, printemps 2000, Paris

LANGLOIS Philippe, Les pionniers du son synthétique, in Les Cahiers de l'OMF, Observatoire Musical Français, n°4-1999, Université de Paris Sorbonne, 1999

MORRITZ William, Rétrospective James Whitney (cat), Toronto, Festival International Canadien du cinéma d'animation

BEAUVAIS Yann, Dusimbere, Deke, (sous la dir. de), Musique Film, Scratch / Cinémathèque Française, Paris, mai 1986

SCHRADER Barry, Introduction to Electro-acoustic Music, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs 07632, 1982

SITNEY P. Adam (sous la dir. de), The Essential Cinema. Essays on the Films, in the collection of Anthology Film Archive, New York University Press et Anthology Film Archive, 1975

Technologies et imaginaires, sous la direction de Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki, Paris, 1990

WHITNEY John and James, Audio-visual Music, Art in Cinema, San Francisco Museum of Art, 1947

WHITNEY John, " ACID Talk : Design Conference, Catalina, 1962 ", An Abstract Filmaker's view of the Belgium Experimental Film Competition (1963) and All, in Film Culture, n°37, 1965, 54-55, 1972

WHITNEY John, Digital Harmony on the Complementary of Music and Visual Art, Byte Books, Peterborough A Mc Graw-Hill, 1980

WHITNEY John, Moving Picture and Electronic Music, in Die Reihe, n° 7, Universal Edition 1960

YOUNGBLOOD Gene, John Whitney : Composing an Image of Time, in Expanded Cinema E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc, New York, 1970

© Philippe Langlois et Leonardo/Olats, mars 2001

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