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Aoife van Linden Tol

Artist, Vice Chair ITACCUS


Biography : Aoife van Linden Tol is a London based artist working with explosives. Beginning in 2000 her work with explosives fuses her interests in nature, cosmology, chemistry and physics. She is a multi-disciplinary artist whose practice spans sculpture, installation, drawing, photography, film and performance. She creates abstract, visceral and immersive works which often examine concepts of time, density and matter as well as deep human emotions and motivations.
Aoife is the Director of FERAL, an arts and events organisation which tunes into the wild and beautiful instincts of the human condition. She graduated from Central St Martins College of Art and Design, with BA Hons in Art & Design. She also graduated from The International School for Safety and Explosive Engineers with a national qualification in explosive handling 2001. She was was awarded the position of Artist in Residence at the European Space Agency & Ars Electronica Futurelab during 2017. Some of her other roles include Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and the Vice Chair for the IAF Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space.

Rules of Engagement

Abstract : Borrowing from the military meaning of the phrase, Aoife van Linden Tol will discuss how an artist or facilitator of an experience you effectively write your own 'rules of engagement' for each project, performance, work or workshop. Who and why you engage and what the outcome might be are dictated by you. Aoife will examine the motivations, parameters responsibilities for engaging audiences using examples of different approaches she has used and why. Opening for discussion ideas of responsibility as well as understanding the public face of a project vs it's hidden motivations.

Aoife van Linden Tol, Realta, Coronal Rain
Performance Artwork: Realta (Detail of Halo)
Photo by Sebastian Heroiu


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