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Ethiopian Space Science and
Technology Institute (ESSTI)
Mirjana Povic

Assistant professor and Head of Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Development Division, Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute, Ethiopia
Associate researcher, Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Spain Honorary professor, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda


Biography : Mirjana Povic (1981, Serbia) is assistant professor and Head of Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Development Division at the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI), associate researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucia in Spain, and honorary professor at Mbarara University of Science and Technology in Uganda. She obtained her PhD in astrophysics in 2010 at the Institito de Astrofísica de Canarias (Spain). Her main research interests are related with galaxy formation and evolution, in particular with nuclear activity in galaxies, star formation, morphological classification of galaxies, and galaxy clusters. In addition, over more than last 10 years, she worked on development in astronomy, science and education in different parts of Africa, and in particular in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Zambia, and Morocco, through joint research collaborations, institutional development, students supervisions, trainings, lecturing, regulation development, and outreach. In 2018 she was a winner of the inaugural Nature Research Award for Inspiring Science. In May 2019 was invited by Serbian Government to be one of 16 selected Science Ambassadors. In June 2019 she received a recognition from the ESSTI and Ethiopian Ministry of Innovation and Technology for her contribution to the institutional development of ESSTI and development of astronomy and science in Ethiopia.

Astronomy and Space Science for Development in Africa

Abstract : Africa has amazing potential due to natural and human resources for scientific research in astronomy and space science (A&SS). At the same time, the continent is still facing many difficulties, and its countries are now recognizing the importance of astronomy, space science and satellite technologies for improving some of their main socio-economic and ecological challenges. The development of A&SS in Africa has grown significantly over the past years, and never before it was more possible to use astronomy for development as it is nowadays. However, much still remains to be done. This talk will summarise recent developments in A&SS in Africa and will focus on how working together on development of science and education can we fight poverty on the long term, and increase in future our possibilities of attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of all.

Mirjana NASE training


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