L'Eau est dans l'air
Water is in the Air
Actes Proceedings
Nous publions ici les enregistrements vidéo ainsi que les articles au format pdf issus du workshop L'eau est dans l'air. Les deux sont en anglais uniquement.
Nous avons conservé l'ordre dans lequel les interventions ont été faites.
Les vidéos sont visibles sur les plateformes Vimeo et YouTube, à votre préférence.
We are publishing here the video recordings and the articles in pdf format from the Water is in the Air Workshop. Both are in English only.
We have kept the order in which the presentations were done.
You have the choice to watch the videos on the Vimeo and YouTube platforms.
Introduction, Samuel Bordreuil, Roger Malina, President Leonardo/Olats, member of the IMéRA Steering Committee
Water is in the Air, Annick Bureaud, Director Leonardo/Olats
Session 1: Waves – Moderator Roger Malina
"Waves", Javiera Tejerina-Risso, Artist & Patrice Le Gal, DR CNRS in Hydrodynamics, IRPHE, Aix-Marseille Université
Durance River Interlaced Waters : Art-Science Collaborations and Audiovisual Research, Jacques Sapiéga, Director, SATIS
Discussion Session 1 with Javiera Tejerina-Risso, Patrice Legal and Jacques Sapiéga, moderator Roger Malina
Session 2 : Man Made Clouds & Turbulences – Moderator Nathalie Delprat
"Fleur de Lys", Heiko Hansen (HeHe), Artist
The "Pumping Art". The Science and Art of Sculpturing Fluids: A Discussion of Ten Realizations, Jean-Marc Chomaz, Chair of the Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique (Ladhyx), Ecole Polytechnique
Discussion Session 2 with Heiko Hansen and Jean-Marc Chomaz, moderator Nathalie Delprat
Session 3 : Beyond Water – Moderator, Victoria Vesna
Works, Peter Richards, Artist
Water in the Air: Sprays, Aerosols and Raindrops, Emmanuel Villermaux, Professor at Aix-Marseille University and Institut Universitaire de France
Discussion Session 3 with Peter Richards and Emmanuel Villermaux, moderator Victoria Vesna
Session 4 : Cloudy – Moderator, Annick Bureaud
The Anti-entropic Role of Art, Ana Rewakowicz, Artist
Being in Clouds Is No Good To Me, Harold Vasselin, Artist
Walking Clouds and Augmented Reverie, Nathalie Delprat, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris and researcher at LIMSI (Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur), Orsay
"Paparuda", Monsieur Moo, Artist
Discussion Session 4 with Ana Rewakowicz, Harold Vasselin, Nathalie Delprat and Monsieur Moo, moderator Annick Bureaud
Session 5 : Beyond Water (2) – Moderator, Patrice Le Gal
4th State of Water, Victoria Vesna, Artist
"Memory Vapor", Dmitry Gelfand (Synergetica), Artist
STEM to STEAM: Intimate Science and Water, Roger Malina, President Leonardo/Olats, member of the IMéRA Steering Committee
Closing Discussion, moderator, Samuel Bordreuil
Respondent, Claudine Dussollier, International Cooperation Manager, ZINC